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Honda Civic & Keys: 12 Questions Answered (For Newbies)

Are you thinking of buying a Honda Civic for yourself or for a loved one? Maybe you have made the purchase already.

You’re probably considering the Honda Civic because of its affordability or its signature style.

We have taken time to answer 12 Honda Civic key fob questions we believe would be important to you.

Honda Civic Key Fob Buttons, Functions and Tricks

The lock and unlock buttons are the primary features to look out for in any key fob.

Besides the buttons mentioned above, your Civic’s key fob has the trunk button and the ‘remote start’ button.

Newer models even have a button which enables you to roll down the windows from outside the car.

Simply press the unlock button twice and long press it the second time, and all the windows would roll down.

Another trick would be to activate your car’s ‘Smart Entry’ system. This allows you to unlock, start and even relock your car without touching the keys.

However, if you’re in the mood to show off to your friends, just enable the ‘Walk Away Auto Lock’ feature. We’re sure the term explains itself.

How Much Does an Extra Key Cost?

It never hurts to know that even though keys may look similar or even identical, they have different frequencies.

That’s why it always helps to see a specialist before getting a new key.

The keys have microchips in them. After purchasing the key, an expert would have to program it to your car.

Hence, the buying and programming of a new key could cost from $80 to $300, depending on the specifications.

Which Batteries Do Honda Civic Keys Use?

Honda Civic keys use a 3v CR1616 or a CR1620 lithium coin cell battery.

Although both batteries may be compatible with your key, it’s safer to replace it with the same type as the original.

Getting a good battery guarantees you 2 to 5 years of usage before a need for replacement.

Click here for the best deals for Honda Civic key batteries on Amazon.

Can You Change the Key Battery Yourself? (Dead Key)

You can replace your key fob’s battery yourself by following these steps:

First, you’d want to use a small sized screwdriver to open the fob.

Some fobs may need to be unscrewed, others would just need a little pressure applied in opposite directions.

Once opened, note the positive and negative ends of the terminal. Also observe the position in which the dead battery is placed.

Don’t touch the old or new battery with your hands, instead use the screw to flip the old one out.

Wear a protective cover on your hand as you place the new battery in the exact position as the old one to avoid contaminating the battery.

Gently place both parts of the fob together and apply pressure to close them back.

Also check out our article about where are Honda Civics made.

What to Do When Key Is Stuck in the Ignition

One of the most common cause of a stuck key is the steering wheel lock.

Another reason could be that your car’s gear is not in park or neutral.

Sometimes any of the above could lead to a third option, which is having a broken key in the ignition.

For these situations, don’t force the key out of the ignition. If you’re sure your gear is in the correct mode, the problem might be from the steering lock.

Try turning the steering in both directions while gently removing the key, that should get your key out.

If you have a broken key in the ignition and it’s within reach, try lubricating the opening and the inside as far down as possible. Then extract it gently.

If that still doesn’t work or the broken key is out of reach, then you should see a specialist

Popular Key Fob Covers

Key fob covers are available in a wide range of colors, materials, and designs. They can protect your key fob and also make it look more elegant.

Look for the plastic types if you come near water or moisture frequently.

The silicon types are durable and can withstand impacts, but most lack a beautiful design.

Choose the leather types for improved design, durability, and longevity but protect them from moisture.

Check here for the best prices of key fob covers on Amazon.

How to Find the Key Codes for Lost Keys

Key codes are important when replacing a lost key.

Some key codes are stamped on the key itself as well as on the exterior of the lock. That way, even in the event of a lost key, you can easily get the code from the lock.

The key code is usually a four-digit number written in small print.

Another place a key code might be located is in the owner’s manual that came along with the car.

If the manual can’t be located, you may have to prove ownership of the vehicle at your local car dealership.

All you need are documents like the vehicle’s title and registration and your Vehicle Identification Number. Also, have your driver’s license and photo identification in hand.

After providing the necessary documents and paperwork, you should have your key code in no time.

Please also read our article about how long the Honda Civic lasts.

What to Do if the Key Won’t Turn

Again, this might be because of the steering lock.

If that’s the case, you might want to repeat the same process as in “What to do when key is stuck in the ignition”.

However, if you’re sure that’s not the case, consider the possibility that you might be holding the wrong key.

Another scenario is a bad ignition cylinder. That would require a change of the cylinder.

A dead car battery can cause the key not to turn, and you may have to recharge or replace your battery.

A bent or worn out key can also pose the same problem. This is because it won’t be positioned correctly with the cylinder to start the car.

In the event of a bent or worn out key, a replacement is the best option.

My Key Won’t Go In the Ignition

As always, the first step is to remain calm, which helps a lot in assessing the problem.

The second step is to cross check to be sure that you’re using the correct key. Once that is out of the way, you begin phase two.

After making sure that the steering wheel isn’t locked, check your key for dirt.

Clean your key thoroughly and make sure to change your handling habit. That would help you avoid dirt on your key in the future.

The pins on the inside of the ignition cylinder may also have dirt on them. That may be solved by fixing and extracting your key a few times.

If that still does not work, call a technician to diagnose the problem.

Make sure to also read our article about the Honda Civic in snow and winter driving.

What to Do If Keys Are Locked Inside a Honda Civic?

Sometimes the easiest answer is the best answer. Calling a locksmith might just be your best option.

Before doing that though, it’s always a great idea to check for spare keys before making any rash decisions

One alternative is to treat a case of locked keys in your car the same way you would treat a missing one. That’s right, simply make a replacement.

That way, you’d have the advantage of a spare key when the hassle is over.

Honda Civic Key Immobilizer Explained

An immobilizer prevents your car from starting if it senses the wrong key or key fob.

When your key turns in the ignition, it sends a signal to the Electronic Code Unit (ECU).

The ECU then allows your engine to start since the immobilizer recognizes the signal.

If a wrong key is used, the immobilizer quickly activates, stops fuel from getting to the engine, and starts blinking.

That ensures that your beloved car engine remains at rest, just like you.

If you use a newer model, the immobilizer in your car may operate using a code. Some can be remotely controlled with an app on your smartphone.

What Does the Key Light on My Dashboard Mean?

The flashing light on your dashboard is the immobilizer light. It sends a simple message, and that’s the fact that your immobilizer can’t read any signal from your key.

As a result, your car engine would not start. Although this is a safety precaution from theft, it can become a nuisance at times.

That’s because the immobilizer’s inability to read the chip in your key doesn’t necessarily mean you’re using a wrong key.

Sometimes a metal attached to the key itself such as a key holder may be responsible for blocking the signal and making the chip unreadable.

By removing any attached metal and trying again, your car should start normally.

If that doesn’t work, it may mean there’s a problem with your key and you’d need to see a specialist.

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