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How Long Do Honda CBR 1100XX Blackbirds Last? (8 Examples)

The CBR1100XX Super Blackbird was a sport-tourer manufactured by Honda between 1996 and 2007. Honda produced the bike to confront the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-11 as the world’s fastest factory bike, and with a top speed of 178.5 mph, Honda hit their mark.

Still, with an engine that pushes that hard on an older bike, you can’t help but wonder how long a Blackbird lasts?

Here’s How Long a Honda CBR 1100XX Blackbird Lasts:

A Honda Blackbird can last over 100,000 miles. The 4-cylinder in-line liquid-cooled engine delivers solid performance without overexerting itself, meaning less wear and tear.

How Many Miles Do You Get on a Honda CBR 1100 Blackbird?

There are CBR 1100XX Blackbirds on the road with 200,000 miles on the odometer that are still running strong. Honda worked overtime to design the best sportbike engine in the world at the time, they succeeded with the Blackbird, and the following examples prove that up until Suzuki’s legendary Hayabusa was released, the CBR 1100XX Blackbird reigned supreme.

One rider I encountered in the forums said he at 180,000 miles on it and didn’t need service until he hit 125,000 miles.

Another said he’d hit 100,000 km or 60k miles the summer following his post and noted that the bike was still strong with the original clutch and adding that he thinks the bike will outlast him!

Another owner and rider of a 1100XX reported 180,600 km on his European clock. He does frequent services, though, and reports that he never comes close to redlining due to their country’s 40 over impound charge.

This rider adds that the only thing he has to keep up with besides fluids and tires is the cam chain. The clutch, they say, works like new.

What is Considered High Mileage for these Models?

It’s difficult to find news about a CBR 1100 Blackbird that dies because of high mileage, but it’s been reported that crossing 100,000 miles is now to be expected and that there with an odometer ranging between 200,0000 and 500,000 miles.

One CBR 1100 rider I found bought their Blackbird with 53,000 miles on it and crossed 125,000 miles needing no special maintenance apart from valve and o-ring replacement.

Let’s be honest, though. Most people aren’t worried about the numbers so much, but the longevity of their precious bike.

Multiple determinants characterize longevity, and mileage is probably the least significant one.

Let’s probe the more vital considerations used to determine your CBR 1100’s longevity.

  1. The previous owner.  A Blackbird ridden by a single rider for most of its life is more desirable than a pass-around 1100XX that’s been indifferent hands season to season.  A long-term relationship means more consistent maintenance and only a single break-in period where the rider was lugging and screeching on the motor to get acquainted. Multiple owners aren’t inherently negative, but single owner value is almost a proven law at this point.
  2. The Owner’s Riding Personality. For example, and these aren’t hard rules, but an older rider might take it easier on their throttle, RPMs, and redlines than, say, an 18-year-old adrenaline junkie. Also, consider how likely the rider was shelling out the cash required for routine maintenance and if they were storing the bike properly.

How Many Years Does a Honda CBR 1100XX Blackbird Typically Last?

On average, a motorcycle is ridden around 4,000 miles a year; therefore, a Blackbird with a lifespan of 150,000 miles will last around 38 years, and there are CBR 1100XX’s that have been on the streets for much longer.

There are, of course, some other determining factors.

Was the motorcycle ridden regularly?

Motorcycles, even reliable bikes like the Blackbirds, even with exceptionally low mileage, tend to demonstrate problems if they’ve been stored improperly and left sitting for years, corroding.

When bikes sit, tires degrade, seals dry, and become brittle enough for fluids to seep through past, and dampness corrodes even the most robust parts.

If a bike sat in a garage and wasn’t stored with intentions of long-term sitting,  it can be as bad as pistons and rings seizing up. Carburetor jetson the older Blackbirds can clog, siting fuel gunks up and rusts and corrodes the inside of the Vegas tank, so lifespan can’t be judged by mileage alone without considering how the previous owner stored the bike and if it was sitting.

On the other side of that coin is the high-mileage CBR that’s been used and stored properly. In this scenario, the bike with higher mileage has more years ahead of it than the rider barely rode.

If it was being ridden often, though, you’ve got to consider the rider’s etiquette.

Were they on the throttle the whole time, power-shifting?

Remember, this is a sportbike.

Was the previous owner using it as a stunt bike, ripping wheelies and slamming the front end down on the pavement?

If the Blackbird rider was screaming the motor’s rev limiter daily, the bike’s lifespan is affected regardless of mileage. The same thing goes if the bike was ripped through water, dirt, and sand or stored in a place with pool cleaners or ridden over salted roads. There are a lot of variables to consider when judging the lifespan of a CBR 1100XX.

Is the Honda CBR 1100XX Blackbird Reliable?

Except for a weak regulator/rectifier in the early models, the Honda 1100xx Super Blackbird is one of the most reliable sportbikes, with myriad examples punching past the point of 100,000-mile. The one thing to be vigilant about is overloading the stator with electrical draws and a weak battery.

The suspension is reportedly standard but nothing special, though it’s easy enough to upgrade, as the 1100XX is a breeze to customize.

One cat I ran into had been riding for over 25 years. He’d spent time as a motorcycle courier in San Fransisco and packed several hundred thousand miles in various bikes and said the XX was the most reliable bike he’s ever had.

He specified that the cam chain tensioner could be an issue once in a while. That thick traffic ran her hot and was sure to note Honda’s notorious regulator/rectifier issue, but these are simple fixes. He ended by saying that overall it’s an amazingly reliable road-ripper.

In addition to these previous owner claims, motorcyclenews.com gave the Blackbird a 5/5 reliability rating.

The Honda CBR1100XX Super Blackbird’s build quality is better than pretty much anything out there on two wheels. Some Blackbirds get pressed into service as long distance, year round commuters and show few signs except tatty fork leg lowers. Its reliability is superb too. Cam chain tensioners and regulator rectifiers can fail – like almost every Honda four.

Source: motorcyclenews.com

NOTE: This was a review specific to the ’97 CBR 1100XX Super BlackBird

Does a Honda CBR 1100 Last Longer than other Motorcycles?

The Blackbird was designed to outperform and outlast other bikes; Honda released the CBR 1100 XX Blackbird in 1997 with the intention of not only replacing the Honda CBR1000F but also responding to the Kawasaki ZZ-R1100.

At that time, the Kawasaki ZZ-R1100 was considered the fastest bike globally, but the Honda CBR1100XX set it straight with a 180mph, the then-new speed record for mass-produced motorcycles.

The Honda CBR1100XX Blackbird’s engine is a specifically refined 4-cylinder in-line liquid-cooled beast with a volume of 1137 cubic meters, 164 hp power, and 124 Nm of torque.

How does this affect its longevity?

Check it out:

It hits its maximum motor performance at 7250-10000 RPMs. This is on its way to being to track specs, meaning that while you’re cruising around the city, your bike’s engine is barely working, incurring minimal wear-and-tear.

In the later years of its production, Honda updated the monstrous Blackbird with an improved instrument panel and fuel injection.

What Typically Breaks First on a Honda CBR 1100XX Blackbird?

Hondas of this era were notorious for faulty regulator/rectifiers, and the CBR 1100XX Blackbird was a known example of this. – The Rectifier should push out +14.5 +/- .3 VDC was taken at the battery terminals when hitting over 4,000 RPMs.

The stator harness plug, a part that hooks up to the regulator/rectifier, should be inspected from time to time for melting and connection interference from time to time as well.

One rider I encountered mentioned they bought their 1100XX with  58,000 miles and checked the valves and flushed and replaced all fluids and replaced the air filter, and noted that the previous owner hadn’t had a single issue besides the regulator/rectifier, which the owner had since replaced.

He’s ripped it up to 61,000 miles since and has had zero problems

If you’re in the market for a used Honda 1100XX Blackbird, consider these initial costs:

  • Chain + sprockets: $250
  • Front and Rear tires: $300-$400
  • Air filter: $35-$55
  • Oil & Filter change: $15-65, depending on oil

Sure your Honda CBR 1100XX Blackbird this kind of love, and it’ll roast you for as long as your willing to keep up with it.

6 Great Tips to Make Sure Your Honda CBR 1100XX Blackbird will Last Long

  1. Frequently Inspect and change your CBR 1100’s oil.
  2. (If Low mileage) Observe the Blackbird’s break-in period and respect the break-in guidelines outlined in the owner’s manual.
  3. Inspect the cam Chain tensioner regularly; they’re known to be fussy.
  4. Inspect the Blackbird’s valves from to time.
  5. Replace the air filter regularly.
  6. Ride your CBR 1100XX Blackbird often to keep its juices flowing!




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