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How Long Do Honda Gold Wings Last? (with Examples)

The first Honda Gold Wing premiered in 1975 with a four cylinder, 1000cc engine. It had a squared front fairing, rider backrest, a roomy passenger seat, and a hard trunk and saddlebags to stow away luggage.

This bike was King of the Highway and could take you nearly anywhere you dreamed of going.

Here’s How Long Honda Gold Wings Last

Honda Gold Wings can last for over 40 years as there are still original 1975 Gold Wings on the road today. Of course, it should be noted that these bikes have undergone restoration of some sort. However, if a Honda Gold Wing is well maintained, it is possible for your Gold Wing to last 50 years. 

Is the Honda Gold Wing Reliable?

With proper care and maintenance, absolutely!

Goldwings are known to be one of the most reliable bikes on the market. They are built to endure long cross-country road trips through various Climates. Want to ride from Ottowa Canda to Veracruz Mexico? Take a Gold Wing!

Gold Wings are known for having excellent handling, loaded with comfort features, offers lots of storage space, and most importantly is mechanically sound.

For these reasons the Gold Wing has gained a following of loyal riders who will always choose the Gold Wing over any other bike when it comes to long-distance riding.

We have a must-read article about the most-common issues with the Honda Gold Wing models.

How many miles do you get on a Honda Gold Wing?

Generally, you should be able to get at least 20-30,000 miles from your Gold Wing.

Though pushing the machine to 50,000 isn’t unheard of either.

This is assuming you’ve followed the maintenance schedule and kept the bike under shelter when not in use.

What is considered high mileage for these models?

A Gold Wing that has gone above 50,000 miles would be considered high mileage. Most bikes with more than 10,000 miles would be considered high mileage but on a Gold Wing, you could easily reach that within the first few years of ownership.

Even if your Gold Wing is approaching 50,000 miles, there’s no need to fret.

There are plenty more trips in the future for your highway steed, so long as you keep the Honda’s strict maintenance schedule.

A properly maintained Gold Wings can reach 60, 70 and on rare occasions, 100,000 miles before you encounter catastrophic mechanical problems.

How many years does a Honda Gold Wing typically last?

A Honda Gold Wing can last several decades if properly taken care of. Honda debuted the Gold Wing in 1976 and, with some restoration and careful maintenance, you can still find them in working, ridable condition–though you may air on the side of caution for a cross country trip.

While many GL1000, GL1100s have retired with their owners, it’s not uncommon to see the GL1500 era and certainly the GL1800 era bikes still on the road in full working condition.

If you’re concerned about the age of your Honda Gold Wing, inspect listed below as these components will keep your Gold Wing in tip-top shape.

1. Fluids

  • Engine Oil

This is the most important fluid in your bike and it should be checked often. You’ll want to make sure the oil is at the appropriate level, and is not dirty or thick texture. Honda recommends changing the oil and oil filter every 8,000 miles (after initial break in service) or once a year.

  • Coolant

The coolant helps keep your engine cool. It doesn’t need to be changed as often as your oil but you should check it every so often (Honda recommends 8,000 miles) to make sure it is at the appropriate level. If it’s been a few years since you’ve changed the coolant it would be a good idea to do so.

  • Clutch & Brake Fluid

These fluids can be replaced every 12,000 miles or 2 years but it’s a good idea to be inspected often.

2. Tires & Wheels

Inspect the tires for cracks and tread wear. Even if the tires look ok, check when the tires were manufactured, especially on older models. Tire manufacturers recommend replacing the tires 10 years after they’ve been made even if they look new.

It’s also wise to inspect your rims for any knicks or cracks that could cause problems to the tires down the road.

3. Lights

Inspect your headlight, turn signals and brake lights are working correctly before you head out for a ride.

It would be no fun to get pulled over by police for a faulty brake light or turn signal when all you had to do was change a light bulb. You also wouldn’t want to find yourself on a night ride only to realize your lights aren’t working properly.

4. Nuts and Bolts

Though the Gold Wing is known for its quiet and smooth ride, unlike some of its competitors, you should still check major nuts and bolts on the bike to make sure everything is there and nothing has come loose.

Does a Honda Gold Wing last longer than other motorcycles?

In general, Honda Gold Wings last longer than most motorcycles.

As previously stated, most bikes approach their limit at around 10,000 miles but most bikes aren’t engineered to withstand high RPMs for long periods of time.

The Gold Wing is mostly ridden on highways for long periods of time over great distances.

The Gold Wing 6 cylinder engine was designed to maintain the power needed to travel across highways at high speeds without running into mechanical issues.

What typically breaks first on a Honda Gold Wing?

The Honda Gold Wing is known for its reliability and sturdy design, which means that not many things break on the Gold Wing.

However, this isn’t to say it doesn’t have a few problem components.

  1. Control Buttons
    If the bike is left outside for long periods of time some of the buttons on the hand controls have been known to stick. In some cases, they can be cleaned and work fine. In other instances, the sticking buttons can lead them to break and require replacement of the entire control since not all pieces of the hand controls are sold independently.
  2. Rear Brakes
    Though the Honda Gold Wing may feel like its glides along the highway, it is a heavy machine. This is why Honda designed the Gold Wing to use a linked braking system that applies pressure to both front and rear brakes simultaneously in an effort to keep the bike from dipping too much in the front if you were to ever grab too much front brake. However, because of the linked braking, the rear brakes can, at times, become very hot and smoke. This has led Honda to issue several recalls to the rear brake cylinder.
  3. Rivets
    The Gold Wing is covered in plastic body pieces held on by rivets. This looks great aesthetically but can be a nuisance to perform even the simplest maintenance tasks. Since the plastics are frequently taken on and off, its not uncommon to lose or brake the rivets that hold the plastics in place. We recommend keeping a few extra on hand in case you lose or brake one while working on your bike.

5 Great Tips To Make Sure Your Honda Gold Wing Will Last Long

1. Invest in a cover

If the bike isn’t your everyday ride, invest in a cover to keep it looking new and protect it from the elements.

2. Follow the maintenance schedule

Following the maintenance schedule is essential to get the most longevity from any vehicle.

Skipping out on a pricey service will cost you more in the long run.

3. Battery Tender

Keep the bike on a battery tender to keep the battery healthy and always ready to start when you are.

4. Avoid towing

With a 6 cylinder, 1800cc engine there’s no doubt that a Gold Wing can tow a moderately loaded trailer. However, hauling a trailer should still be avoided if you want to keep your Gold Wing in top condition.

The extra weight of a trailer and load can wreak havoc on the transmission and clutches.

5. Ride it!

Motorcycles weren’t made to sit in the garages, especially the Honda Gold Wing. As the threshold of touring bikes, Gold Wings were made to be driven on open high ways. Letting your bike sit for long periods of time can lead to cosmetic defects as well as mechanical failures.

The Gold Wing has undergone a few upgrades since its 1975 release but the spirit of this bike has always been the same.

To take riders with the desire to travel on the most comfortable ride across long distances as possible. Since its existence, it has held the gold standard for touring bikes and continues to be a top contender for riders looking for a more comfortable ride or wanting to take the long way home.

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