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Do Ford SUVs Hold Their Value Well? (8 Models Checked)

When it comes time to shop for a new Ford SUV, there is no shortage of questions that are going to be asked.

Durability is always going to be a primary concern and motorists will want to know if these vehicles hold their value well.

All cars depreciate over time but some more than other.

The following guide is here to help Ford SUV shoppers make sense of their current options.

The 8 Ford SUV Models: A Closer Examination

There are 8 Ford SUV models to choose from and they each come with their own depreciation concerns.

Let’s take a closer look at each of them so that motorists are able to zero in on the model that works the best for their needs.

Ford EcoSport

Ford EcoSport SUV parked

The EcoSport models are known for lasting long and will depreciate at a steady rate for the first 10 years of its lifespan.

By the end of year two, this SUV will hold roughly 87% of its original value, having depreciated over $3,000 during this time period.

After 5 years, the depreciation will have reached 35% and the vehicle’s resale value will rest in the $17,000 range.

By the time the 10-year mark rolls around, the EcoSport will have depreciated by roughly 67%, retaining a resale value of $9,021.

It is also important to note that these figures are based on the vehicle remaining in good condition throughout its entire lifespan, as well as being driven a typical amount. In these instances, 12,000 miles per year is considered to be a normal amount of wear and tear.

Ford Escape

The Ford Escape depreciates at a relatively typical rate, maintaining 90% of its residual value after one year of ownership and 80-85% after two years.

These figures are based on typical amounts of driving on a per-year basis.

If the Escape is driven at a rate that exceeds 13,000 miles per year, the depreciation rate could be accelerated.

After five years, the Ford Escape will have depreciated by around 30 percent.

Assuming that the motorist spent $35,000 upfront for the Escape and it is still in good condition, the resale value will remain in the $20,000- 25,000 range.

Within ten years, the Escape loses 70% of its original value and the resale value goes down to the $10,000 range.

We have more statistics on the Ford Escape here.

Ford Edge

When it comes to understanding the depreciation that takes place with the Ford Edge, motorists must assume a selling price of just over $40,000 when they are brand new.

The results are also based on normal depreciation that takes place when the vehicle is kept in proper condition. As long as the motorist is averaging no more than 12,000 miles per year, these figures will typically hold true.

The Edge depreciates at a rate of 35% over the first five years of its lifespan.

After five years, the resale value is just over $25,000.

By the time you have reached the 10-year mark?

The Ford Edge retains 33% of its residual value, for a resale price of $15,000. If the motorist is going over the expected average of miles driven annually, these figures could be lower.

We have more statistics on the Ford Edge models here.

Ford Bronco

Since the Ford Bronco sells for a price of $47,000 when it is brand new, motorists can expect to retain more resale value over the long haul as well.

The Bronco only loses 10-13% of its value over the course of the first two years.

At the five-year mark, the Ford Bronco will have depreciated by 35% and the resale value will rest just shy of $30,000.

If the Ford Bronco owner is looking to resell by the time the 10-year mark has arrived, they can expect the vehicle to have depreciated by over 65-68%.

At this time, the resale value of the Ford Bronco will sit just shy of $15,000, owing to its higher asking price than some of the other models on this list.

We also have info about Ford Bronco problems here.

Ford Bronco Sport

Since the Ford Bronco Sport is a newer model first issued in 2021, long-term information is not as easy to gather. The depreciation on these vehicles is similar to the other Ford models on the list, though.

For starters, the 36-month residual value of the Ford Bronco Sport is pegged at 50%.

These figures are based on a slightly higher amount of annual mileage, however.

The Bronco Sport will remain at this level of yearly depreciation as long as the vehicle is not being driven more than 15,000 miles per year. If the driver cuts back to 10,500 miles per year, they could boost these depreciation rates by as much as 3%.

The five-year and ten-year depreciation rates remain comparable to the other Ford SUV models as well.

Ford Mustang Mach-E

This electric vehicle crossover has become a hot commodity within a short time span, as it was initially issued in 2021.

Those who do make this purchase will typically find that the Mustang Mach-E holds onto its value quite well. 

In fact, the Mustang Mach-E took home the Kelly Blue Book award for Best Resale Value in the Electric Vehicle category.

In order to earn such an award, vehicles must be determined to hold the highest resale value after a five-year period.

For example, the residual value for the Mustang Mach-E reflects the projected future auction values for any vehicle of its kind that is kept in average condition by its owner.

They must remain within 75,000 miles at the end of their five-year ownership or leasing period as well.

Ford Explorer

Once the Ford Explorer has been driven off the lot, it will lose roughly 25% of its value within the first two to three years of ownership.

Since these vehicles have become such a popular mainstay and there are no shortage of them to be found, this keeps resale prices relatively low.

This is definitely something for a motorist to consider in these instances.

The aftermarket prices pale in comparison to the other Ford SUVs on the list for these reasons. By the time a Ford Explorer owner has reached the five-year mark, the Explorer will only have retained around 60% of its original value.

We have more Ford Explorer statistics here.

Assuming a selling price just below $50,000 when new and typical driving patterns, a five-year-old Ford Explorer can be resold for just over $30,000.

Ford Expedition

The comes at a higher price when new than the other vehicles on this list, creating a higher resale value as well.

Assuming that the motorist spends $73,500 for their new Expedition, they can expect a five-year resale value of $46,000.

The depreciation does accelerate as time passes, which certainly bears noting.

If the Expedition owner is looking to sell at the 10 year mark, the vehicle will have lost over 67-58% of its value, clocking in an expected resale price of $23,000.

As with most of the other vehicles on this list, the values are based on 12,000 miles of annual driving and the vehicle remaining in good condition throughout the course of its lifespan.

Check our article here for more Ford Expedition statistics.

5 Tips To Maximize Your Ford SUV’s Resale Value

#1 Choose Wisely

In order to avoid the issues that are associated with lower resale values, it is important to choose wisely in the first place.

All cars lose value but every SUV that you are considering does not depreciate at the exact same rate.

Taking the time to research all of the models that you are contemplating can save you a great deal of time and energy on the back end.

In most instances, larger SUVs are going to depreciate far less than smaller vehicles, especially EVs.

#2 Purchase Used Vehicles (or Lease!)

The vast majority of depreciation will have taken place within the first five years of ownership.

If you purchase a vehicle that has already been owned for this length of time, you have essentially passed all of those costs off to the previous owner, while allowing yourself to reap more of the resale value.

Leasing works in a similar manner, as the depreciation value has already been calculated in the price that the customer is going to pay.

#3 Maximize Your Ownership Period

Since much of the depreciation takes place during the first seven years of ownership, it behooves the vehicle’s owner to maintain ownership for as long as possible.

The longer you can push past the seven-year mark, the more the rate of depreciation is going to slow down.

After the seven-year mark, the Ford SUV will have already undergone the vast majority of its depreciation.

The longer you own the vehicle, the more the depreciation percentages go down on a yearly basis.

#4 Color Schemes Are Crucial

This should be common sense but there are a number of motorists who do not learn this lesson until it is being taught to them the hard way.

The funkier the color scheme you choose, the more you will struggle to reap the full resale value of the Ford SUV in question.

When it comes time to resell a vehicle, standard car colors are always going to sell more easily than custom paint jobs that are a bit more out there. Black, grey and white are fine choices.

Bright red, yellow, and other more vibrant colors?

Not so much.

#5 No Aftermarket Modifications

To piggyback on the previous point, aftermarket modifications are problematic from a resale standpoint.

The idea that these modifications will add to the SUV’s resale is a total misnomer.

Non OEM spoilers and aftermarket audio systems are prime examples of modifications that the average buyer is not going to be willing to pay a premium.

Speak to the dealer before making any modification of this nature, so you can learn more about the potential consequences of these decisions.

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