Do All Newer Cars Have Cruise Control? (Explained)

Today, cruise control is becoming a very common feature on most vehicles.

Cruise control is a device in a vehicle that allows the car to be at a certain controlled speed without the use of the accelerator.

Find out if all cars have cruise control in this article.

Here’s the short answer to whether all cars have cruise control:

Most modern cars have cruise control as a standard feature, although some vehicle manufacturers only offer it as optional equipment. However, not all old cars come with the feature, except on high trim levels that have the full options and cost more.

Is Cruise Control Standard On All New Cars Today?

This speed control is a standard for all cars produced today except cars that are fairly old and have low prices. With that in mind, view some SUVs with adaptive cruise control.

For automated driving, the cruise control system is an essential feature.

How Does Cruise Control Work?

This feature works through a certain system of sensors responsible for controlling the vehicle’s speed. If it detects the speed of the car, it adjusts the throttle back to the set speed.

It is very effective for long distances where the driver is probably exhausted. It makes the driver more relaxed and at ease. 

In older cars, the cruise control system is connected directly to the accelerator through a cable to position the car at a certain speed.

How Do You Cruise Control in a Car?

In recent car models, the cruise control comes with a button. It is usually located at the lower right side of your steering wheel.

You can put it on by pressing the button, then accelerate to the speed that you desire. After that, you press the stalk button to set it.

Do Electric Cars Have Cruise Control?

That is a very good question as well.

We gathered a list of affordable electric cars with cruise control and they are really worth a look!

What Percentage of Cars Come With Cruise Control?

According to Consumer Reports, 92% of cars have this speed control, while about 50% have the ability to maneuver both the wheels and the speed.

This means that almost all new vehicles come with cruise control, especially the adaptive type, which allows them to set a speed and take their foot off the accelerator. 

Why Don’t All Cars Have Cruise Control Today? 

There are several reasons why some cars don’t have cruise control, including:

Limited Use 

Some car manufacturers don’t include this speed control, because certain people don’t use this component, especially in traffic-congested cities.

Some people mentioned the fact that they have only used their speed limit and brakes far more than their cruise control. Since some people don’t use the feature, it may not be wise for carmakers to include it in every vehicle.


Another reason why it is not included is that it is quite an expensive part of the car.

A discouraging part is that certain customers don’t see the crucial need for it alongside its price. These factors result in manufacturers excluding it from their production.

How Much Does It Cost To Upgrade to Cruise Control in Cars?

Many cars come with this speed control as standard equipment, but upgrading it to a new car that didn’t come originally with it can be relatively expensive. 

However, the average price is between $200-$350, according to This price varies with the complexity and tech level of the vehicle.

How Safe Is the Cruise Control for the Elderly?

As much as we appreciate the luxury and comfort that comes with cruise control, it has some disadvantages. The elderly are in a more disadvantaged position as it can make them too relaxed while driving. 

It is also not safe because, while going at a steady speed, sudden events can catch you unawares. 

Further, it decreases the reaction level of the driver, especially for old people. It is much easier for the elderly ones to daydream while driving, unlike younger ones. 

Hence, notwithstanding the excellent benefit the cruise control provides, it can still get you in a real sticky situation, especially for the elderly

Can You Remove the Cruise Control on a New Car?

You can remove the cruise control when you disconnect certain cables. However, this might void your warranty. 

Instead, you could turn it off from the ON/OFF button located at the sides of the steering. 

When Should You Not Use the Cruise Control?

Here’s a list of situations where it’s not advisable to use cruise control:

On Wet and Slippery Roads

It is never safe to use your cruise control on wet roads because it can cause your wheels to speed faster than necessary on slippery roads. 

This makes it quite difficult to control even during hard braking.

When You Are Sleepy 

The control cruise gives you the privilege to become more relaxed. However, this speed control is not an autopilot. The control and direction of the car are in your hands. It is your job to steer the wheels. 

Hence, if you are drowsy, it is logical not to put your car on cruise control because it can lull you to sleep and result in catastrophe.


In busy cities, there’s a strong potential for heavy traffic. Once you observe that there’s traffic coming up, you should disengage your cruise control and apply your brakes when necessary to avoid accidents.

Change in the Weather

It is safer to control your vehicle’s speed manually when there’s a weather change.

Does Cruise Control Save Gas?

In the long run, your speed controls help you maximize gas while driving. A car burns little fuel when set at a certain speed, which the cruise control helps you excellently. 

Further, sudden braking and acceleration tend to burn a lot of fuel. Cruise control avoids such situations.

Related: Do All Cars Have ABS Braking Systems? (Basic Facts)

Why Is My Cruise Control Not Working?

There are certain reasons your cruise control might have stopped working, including:

Broken Brake Pedal

It is a known fact that once you step on your brakes, the cruise control automatically turns off, returning the control back to you.

Hence, if your brake pedal is damaged, the vehicle will think that your brakes are being pressed. It will prevent the cruise control from coming on.

And unless you fix your pedal switch, the cruise control won’t work.

Damaged Speed Sensor

A speed sensor senses and gauges your speed. So if, in fact, your speed sensor is bad, it may cause the cruise control to malfunction.

Hence, your speed sensors should be fixed immediately, as this may cause other car problems for you.

Damaged Mechanical Components

If perchance you are driving an old car, the cruise control may be mechanical, which means that there’s a cable that connects the throttle to the actuator.

If the actuator is damaged, the cruise control may not work because the actuator adjusts the cable to steady the speed limits.

A Blown Fuse

Modern cars use an electrically controlled cruise system, which definitely means there would be a fuse. If the fuse is blown, the cruise control circuitry won’t get the electricity to function.

If you have repaired it, the system will work. However, if you notice the fuse is blown again, it is a major signal that there’s a bigger car problem.

How Much Does It Cost to Fix Your Cruise Control?

Having to fix an originally installed speed control is not expensive as it ranges between $125 to $400, depending on the car model and labor.

Related: 17 Cars With Best Adaptive Cruise Control (With Pictures)

How Do You Know Your Cruise Control Is Getting Bad?

There are some major signs that the vehicle gives in order to alert you that this component is failing, including:

Speed Surges

This is the first and the most common sign. Bad cruise control will not be able to maintain the speed of the car as it will eventually run low. How does this happen?

The cruise control has a component called the control vacuum reservoir that holds the throttle at a certain pressure. If this component fails, there will be nothing left to maintain the car.

The cruise control may still work, but the speed of the car will definitely fluctuate.

Engine Performance

Another way to detect this is the irregular performance of the engine. If the vacuum reservoir breaks, the car may start to experience low acceleration, and burnout of fuel and power output.

Related: 5 Affordable Electric Cars With Cruise Control (With Prices)

How Do I Test My Cruise Control Switch?

This is an easy thing to do. Simply start your engine and then press the ” ON” button at the side of your steering.

Another sure way to know is simply to test drive the car to observe and check all the necessary things.

Can Low Battery Affect Cruise Control?

A major sign of a bad battery is the stoppage of several warning lights and sensors, which may be the cruise control system.

A non-functional battery tends to affect a lot of components. Unless you get it fixed, your cruise control may not work.

What Sensor Controls the Cruise Control?

The radar sensor is responsible for this, as it is located at the front end of the car. It senses the traffic and cars ahead and it also controls the speed of your car.

Why Is My Cruise Light On?

This happens majorly when the system is on, but a set speed hasn’t been chosen. It shows a yellow light at this stage and when there’s a set speed; it changes back to green.

However, if there’s a problem with the cruise control, the yellow light won’t go off until such a problem is sorted out.

Does Cruise Control Overheat a Car?

This could happen when driving through hilly ground. It can cause the system to send multiple transmissions which might lead to overheating.

Generally, it is advised not to set your car on cruise control when driving through hilly terrains as this could be hazardous.

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