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Speed Tickets Cost Per State? 50 States Checked (Updated Numbers)

Different nations have distinct ways in which they ensure road safety. In the US, speed ticket is used to caution and charge traffic offenders.

Wondering what the speed ticket cost is, per state, in the US? Stay on this page to discover the cost in all 50 states, including some specific rules.

Here are overviews of the range of speed ticket costs in each of the 50 US states:

1. Alabama: $190 – $370

The cost of a speed ticket in Alabama is dependent on how much you move over the speed limit. According to myimprov.com, a driver who moved less than 85 mph above the speed limit will be subject to $190 fine.

The fine could fall in the excess of $370, if the driver was caught speeding very higher than the specified speed limit in the state.

Check the ticket costs below:

  • Less than 85 mph above the speed limit – $190 fine.
  • Within 86 – 89 mph above the speed limit – $170 + $1/mile over the limit fine.
  • More than 90 mph over the speed limit attracts a fine of $370.

So, what’s the speed limit in Alabama?

The speed limits in Alabama are specified according to the nature of the road a driver plies. Check the different speed limits below:

  • State highway w/ 3 or fewer lanes – 55 mph
  • State highway w/ 4 or more lanes – 65 mph
  • Interstate highways – 70 mph
  • Urban areas – 30 mph
  • Unpaved roads – 35 mph

2. Alaska: $0 – $10 per mile over the limit

Alaska is one of the states that works towards ejecting erring drivers from the road. So, rather than fining drivers for speed offense, the state works with a point system.

The point system in Alaska is arranged in a way that allows the state to seize the license of traffic offenders. So, for every traffic offense, a driver will get some points on his/her license.

The driver’s license will therefore be suspended once the driver accumulates 12 points within 12 months, or 18 points within 24 months.

Mind you, a license could be revoked while a driver could be convicted in Alaska if he/she is found as a repeat traffic offender.

Thus, you could be charged $0 on a speed ticket in Alaska, but that will mean you’ve received some points on your driving records instead. You could as well be charged $10 per every mile over the speed limit.

Below are the various speed limits in Alaska, according to Driving Laws.

  • 15 mph in alleys
  • 20 mph in business districts
  • 25 mph in residential districts
  • 55 mph on other roadways

3. Arizona: $95 – $935

Speed tickets are quite costly in Arizona. It varies by county, and it could be as little as $95 up to $935. This is dependent on how much above the speed limit of the state a driver violates.

Different counties in Arizona have their respective ticket cost. The least of them all is Cochise County that charges $95 for speeding 1-5 miles over speed limit, and $935 for going 61 – 65 miles above the speed limit.

Several others, like Apache County, Gila, and Coconino, charge $130, $170, and $193 respectively for speeding 1 – 10 miles over the speed limit of the state.

Here are demographics about speed ticket.

4. Arkansas: $80 – $100

First offenders can get a fine of just around $80 – $100 for speeding against the limits in Arkansas. The charges could be higher if your driving records show that you’ve been issued more tickets before in a single year.

Mind you, you could even get charged up to $500 for a speed offense in the state. The actual cost of your speed ticket relies on the gravity of your traffic offense.

In addition to getting a fine, Arkansas also works with the point system. So, you could get 3 points for speeding 1-10 mph above the speed limit, or 8 points for moving over 31 mph against the speed limits.

Whereas 11 – 20 mph above the speed limits attracts 4 points, 21 – 30 get you 5 points.

5. California: $35 – $490

Depending on how fast you are moving when you get caught and the location you’re driving by, you could get charged for just $35 or around $500 in a speed ticket in California.

Although the base fees for a speed ticket in the state range between $35 – $100, additional penalties and fine could move the price up to $490.

  • Here is a breakdown of how it is:
  • 1 – 15 mph above the speed limit – $35
  • 16 – 25 mph above speed limit – $70
  • 26 – 99 over the speed limit – $100

6. Colorado: $30 – $1,000+

In Colorado, you could be sentenced to 10 days in jail, pay a fine of $300, or experienced both, depending on the gravity of your traffic offense.

On the extreme, a traffic offender may face one year in jail, pay a fine of $1,000, or experience both. It all depends on which class of offense the driver’s charges fall on.

Here is a breakdown of the speed ticket cost in the state:

  • 1 – 4 mph above the speed limit – $30
  • 5 – 9 mph above speed limit – $70
  • 10 – 19 mph over the speed limit – $135
  • 20 – 24 mph over the speed limit – $200
  • 25 or more – $150 – $1000

7. Connecticut: $35 – $500

Speeding tickets in Connecticut ranges from $200 – $500, depending on how much above the speed limit you get fined for. It is also possible to only get a warning if you have salient reasons for speeding in the state.

8. Delaware: $20 – $25+ base fee

First time traffic offender may get a base of $20 fine and $25 charges afterwards. The speed ticket in the state is a little different and less costly. You could get charged for as little as $1 for every mph you drive above the speed limit.

  • For 5-15 mph over the speed limit, you get charged $1 – $2 for each mph above the limit.
  • 16 – 20 mph above the speed limit attracts $2 – $3 for each mph over the limit.
  • 21 mph or more above the limit will get you fined for $3 or $4 on every mph you move above the speed limit.

9. Florida: $25 – $250

Speed ticket fines are called civil penalty or civil fine in Florida. So, you could get a civil fine within $25 to $250 in the state.

Here are the speed ticket costs for the state:

  • 6 – 9 mph over the speed limit – $25
  • 10 – 14 mph above the speed limit – $100
  • 15 – 19 mph above the limit – $150
  • 20 – 29 mph over the speed limit – $175
  • 30 mph and above – $250

10. Georgia: $0 – $500

You may just get a warning in Georgia for speeding a little above the speed limit. But you could as well get a fine of $500 if you move significantly beyond the specified limit in the state.

  • 1 – 4 mph above the speed limit – $0
  • 5 – 10 mph over – $25
  • 11 – 14 mph above the limit – $100
  • 15 – 18 mph over – $125
  • 19 – 23 mph over – $150
  • 24 – 35 mph above the limit $500

Before we move on, make sure you check how long it takes for speed ticket to arrive here.

Other States

Here are the speed ticket costs for the other 40 US states:

State 0 – 5 mph 6 – 10 mph 11 – 14 mph 15 – 20 mph 21 – 25 mph 26 – 35 mph 35 mph – above
Hawaii $500+ $500+ $500+ $500+ $500+
Idaho $90 $90 $90 $155 $155 $155 $155
Illinois $120 $120 $120 $120 $140 $1,500 $2,500
Indiana $44 – $54.5 + 2pts $44 – $54.5 + 2pts $30 – $54.5 + 3pts $64.5 – $74.5 + 4 pts $74.5 + 4 pts $74.5 + 4 pts
Iowa $20 $40 $80 $90 $100
Kansas $45 $45 $45+ $45+ $105+ $105 – $500 + $195 – $500+
Kentucky $20 $20 $24 – $28 $32 – $40 $46 – $52 $60+
Louisiana $115 $115+ $215 $240
Maine $114 $114 $129 $170 $230 $278
Maryland $80 $80 $90 $90 $160 $160
Massachusetts $50 for each mile over 10 mph above the speed limit
Michigan $125 – $142 $135 – $162 $140 – $177 $150 – $197 $160 – $210 $170 – $230 $180 – $240+
Minnesota $125 $125 $135 $145 $225 $285 $385
Mississippi $150 $150 $150 $150 – $300 $150 – $300 $150 – $300
Missouri $50.5 $60.5 $70.5 $100.5 $155.5
Montana $20 $20 $70 $70 $120 $120 $200
Nebraska $10 $25 $75 $125 $200 $200 $300
Nevada $100 $100 $200 $300 $400 $420+
New Hampshire $62 $62 $93 $124 $248 $434
New Jersey $85 $85 $95 $105 $200 $220 $240+
New Mexico $25 $25 $30 $65 $100 – $160 $170 $180+
New York $45 – $300 $45 – $300 $90 – $600 $90 – $600 $90 – $600 $90 – $600 $180 – $1200+
North Carolina $10 $15 $30 $50 $50 -$250 $100 – $250+ $250+
North Dakota $5 $5+ $10+ $15+ $25+ $40+ $70 – $100
Ohio $175 $175 $175 $195 $195 $195 $225+
Oklahoma $172 $172 $203 $203 $213 $213
Oregon $115 $115 $165 $165 $265 $265 $440
Pennsylvania $45 $45 $55 $57 – $67 $75 – $85 $87 – $95 $96.5 – $102.5
Rhode Island $95+ $95+ $95+ $95+ $95+ $95+
South Carolina $15 – $25 $15 – $25 $20 – $50 $50 – $75 $50 – $75 $75 – $200
South Dakota $87.5 $107.5 $127.5 $147.5 $167.5 $222.5
Tennessee $40 – $150 $40 – $150 $40 – $150 $40 – $150 $40 – $150 $40 – $150
Texas $117 – $224 $117 – $234 $167 – $259 $167 – $284 $200 – $309 $200 – $334
Utah $170 $170 $220 $320 $470 $670
Vermont $53 $507
Virginia $92 $122 – $132 $152 – $167 $183 – $202
Washington $93 – $113 $113 – $124 $144 $154 $175 – $195 $206 – $247 $247 – $298 $298 – $411
West Virginia $100 – $500 $100 – $500 $100 – $500 $100 – $500 $100 – $500
Wisconsin $30 – $800 $30 – $800 $30 – $800 $30 – $800 $30 – $800 $30 – $800
Wyoming $65+ $100+ $155+ $155+ $65 plus $7 for each mile over the limit

Note that these are general ranges. The specific fine for a speeding ticket will depend on factors like the driver’s speed, the location of the violation, and the driver’s driving record.

You’d also love to check how many speed ticket you can get here.

What State Has the Highest Speed Ticket Fines?

Illinois is the state that charges the highest speed ticket fine. Ticket cost in the state can go up to $2,500.

What State Has the Lowest Speed Tickets?

North Dakota has the lowest speed ticket in the US. The charges in the state are just around $5 – $100.


Alabama Speeding Tickets: Fine Info & More | Myimprov

Alaska’s Speeding Laws & Penalties | Driving Laws

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