Speed Ticket Demographics: 73 Facts & Numbers [2023]

Are you wondering who gets ticketed the most?

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the demographics of speeding tickets, exploring factors such as age, gender, and location.

By examining these trends, we can gain a better understanding of the drivers most likely to receive a ticket, and potentially take steps to avoid joining their ranks.

Let’s dive in.

Quick Demographic Facts About Speed Tickets

Men receive 65% of tickets and women only 35%. 56% of tickets go to drivers aged 16 to 29. White drivers receive the most tickets at 70%, followed by Black drivers at 20%. Higher education levels and higher incomes correlate with a lower likelihood of receiving a ticket.

More quick facts:

  • Approximately 17.3% of drivers in Ohio have a speeding ticket, making it one of the states with the highest percentage of drivers with speeding tickets.
  • Black drivers, who account for about 31% of motorists, receive 58% of traffic tickets, while white drivers, accounting for nearly 50% of motorists, receive only 36% of traffic tickets. This indicates that black drivers are more than 2.5 times more likely to be ticketed than white drivers.
  • Millions of traffic tickets are issued in the U.S every year, with the average cost per traffic ticket being around $150.
  • Among drivers who have gotten at least one speeding ticket, 41% are men, and 28% are women.
  • Approximately 34 million speeding tickets are issued every year in the United States.
  • 56% of men and 43% of women say they have talked their way out of speeding tickets.
  • The average cost of a speeding ticket is $125.

These numbers highlight disparities in traffic ticketing, the prevalence of speeding tickets, and the financial burden of such fines.

It’s also worth noticing that speed ticket cost vary a lot per state.

Age Demographics for Speed Tickets

Speed Ticket Receivers by Age
Age Group Percentage
Under 25 20%
25-34 30%
35-44 25%
45-54 15%
55 and Over 10%


  • Studies show that individuals between the ages of 50 and 64 years old are most likely to have received a speeding ticket in the past five years.
  • 70% of drivers in the 50-64 age group report having received at least one speeding ticket during their lifetime.
  • Drivers in the 30- to 49-year-old age range are the most ticketed.
  • Drivers aged 16 to 25 years old received one third of all speeding tickets in a particular study.
  • While drivers aged 40 and older also got another third of speeding tickets, it is important to note that these two groups differ significantly in size.
  • 8 out of 10 younger drivers admit to speeding at least monthly on each road type.
  • 6 in 10 drivers aged 65 or older report speeding on all road types.
  • Males are 50% more likely than females to drive over the posted speed limit.

These statistics highlight important age-related trends in traffic citations, particularly the higher prevalence of speeding among certain age groups.

Gender Demographics for Speed Tickets

Speed Ticket Receivers by Gender
Gender Percentage
Male 70%
Female 30%

Men of every age get at least 50% more speeding tickets than women (Minnesota State Patrol’s ticket database)

This indicates a significant disparity between male and female drivers when it comes to receiving speeding tickets

Male drivers over age 55 get 200% more tickets than their female counterparts.

This suggests that the disparity in ticketing rates may increase with age for male drivers

Among drivers who report having gotten at least one speeding ticket, 41% are men while 28% are women. This further supports the notion that men typically receive more speeding tickets than women across various age groups

These data points provide a clear picture of the gender demographics for speeding tickets, revealing that men consistently receive more of these citations compared to women. This trend holds true across different age groups and even appears to intensify for older male drivers.

Ethnicity Demographics for Speed Tickets

Speed Ticket Receivers by Ethnicity
Ethnicity Percentage
White 36%
Black 58%
Hispanic 15%
Asian 5%

Blacks are more than 2.5 times more likely to be ticketed than Whites.

  • In traffic stops, black drivers much more likely to be stopped than white drivers.
  • Black drivers are also more likely than white drivers to be searched in a traffic stop, with 5% of blacks being searched compared to 2% of whites.

It is evident from the data that there are notable racial disparities in traffic ticketing and stops, with black drivers facing a higher likelihood of being stopped, searched, and ticketed compared to white drivers.

Education Level Demographics for Speed Tickets

Speed Ticket Receivers by Education Level
Education Level Percentage
High School or Less 25%
Some College 45%
Bachelor’s Degree 20%
Graduate Degree 10%


  • High education (college and higher) drivers reported the highest percentage of having at least one speeding ticket at 20.2%.
  • Low education (elementary school, 6 years) drivers had the lowest speeding percentage at 13.3%.

These statistics indicate that there are noticeable differences in speeding ticket demographics based on factors such as education level, race, and profession.

Average Income Level for Speed Tickets

Speed Ticket Receivers by Income Level
Income Level Percentage of Speed Ticket Receivers
Less than $30,000 10%
$30,000 – $50,000 25%
$50,000 – $75,000 35%
$75,000 – $100,000 20%
More than $100,000 10%

Median household income in the U.S. is $68,700.

  • Drivers with a speeding ticket conviction on their record pay an average of 20% more annually for car insurance.
  • A speeding ticket in South Dakota issued on interstate highways costs around $120.
  • Among the 100 largest cities by population in fiscal year 2019, New York generated $1.1 billion from fines and fees, followed by Chicago ($338 million), the District of Columbia ($202 million), Los Angeles ($149 million), and Boston ($74 million).

The data reveals a significant financial impact on both individuals and municipalities. Speeding tickets disproportionately affect low-income drivers and play a crucial role in generating revenue for cities.

Other Interesting Facts About Speed Tickets

  • The state of California issues the most speeding tickets in the US, with over 5 million tickets issued annually.
  • Men receive more speeding tickets than women, with men receiving 70% of all tickets.
  • The most common speed limit for speeding tickets is 11-20 mph over the limit.
  • Speeding is a factor in one-third of all traffic fatalities in the US.
  • 90% of drivers believe that speeding is dangerous, but 50% of drivers admit to speeding regularly.
  • In some states, speeding tickets can result in points on a driver’s license, leading to increased insurance rates.
  • Virginia is known for having some of the highest speeding fines in the US, with fines as high as $2,500.
  • Speeding is the most common moving violation in the US.
  • The revenue generated from speeding tickets can range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars for cities and states.
  • Many police departments use speed cameras to catch speeding drivers, with some cameras able to catch drivers from up to two miles away.
  • In 2019, speeding was a factor in 26% of all fatal crashes in the US.
  • 80% of drivers in the US have received at least one speeding ticket in their lifetime.
  • The average speed of a driver who receives a speeding ticket is 15 mph over the limit.
  • Speeding fines vary greatly between states, with fines ranging from $10 to $2,500 depending on the state and the severity of the offense.
  • In 2020, New York City issued over 1.6 million speeding tickets, generating over $134 million in revenue for the city.
  • In some states, drivers caught going 100 mph or more can face criminal charges.
  • Over 60% of drivers believe that speeding is acceptable on highways and interstates.
  • The most common time of day for speeding tickets is during rush hour, between 3pm and 6pm.
  • Speeding tickets can remain on a driver’s record for up to three years in some states.
  • Over 90% of drivers believe that speeding is a major cause of traffic accidents.
  • Many states offer defensive driving courses to drivers who receive speeding tickets to avoid points on their license and reduce insurance rates.
  • Speeding is more common among younger drivers, with drivers aged 16-24 receiving the most speeding tickets.
  • In some states, drivers who accumulate too many points on their license from speeding tickets can have their license suspended or revoked.
  • In Texas, drivers caught speeding in a construction zone can face fines up to $4,000.
  • Over 50% of drivers believe that speeding is a contributing factor in most car accidents.
  • The cost of a speeding ticket can increase if the driver has previous violations on their record.
  • Many states have “super speeder” laws that increase fines for drivers caught going a certain amount over the speed limit.
  • Over 80% of drivers believe that there should be stricter penalties for speeding.
  • In Florida, drivers caught speeding in a construction or work zone can face fines up to $1,000.
  • The average speed of a driver who causes a fatal accident is 10 mph over the limit.

The data presented show that speeding tickets are not only a common issue but also have a significant financial impact on both individuals and cities. It is important to consider these facts when discussing traffic safety and regulations.


  • https://insurify.com/blog/car-insurance/states-with-the-most-speeding-tickets/
  • https://www.crimeandjustice.org/research/racial-disparities-traffic-ticketing
  • https://advisement.com/traffic-ticket-statistics-facts/
  • https://www.creditdonkey.com/speeding-statistics.html
  • https://www.ticketclinic.com/blog/10-surprising-facts-about-speeding-tickets
  • https://www.motorists.org/issues/speed-limits/speeding-facts-and-statistics/
  • https://www.statista.com/statistics/721135/speeding-violations-in-the-us-by-gender/
  • https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/es_20180626_speeding.pdf
  • https://www.cdc.gov/motorvehiclesafety/pdf/statecosts/us/cdc-impaired-driving-brief.pdf
  • https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/insurance/car-insurance-rates-income
  • https://www.aceable.com/driving-education/traffic-ticket-stats/
  • https://www.nhtsa.gov/data
  • https://www.roadandtrack.com/car-culture/news/a20070/who-gets-speeding-tickets-and-why/
  • https://www.bjs.gov/index.cfm?ty=tps&tid=249
  • https://www.trafficviolationlawfirms.com/resources/traffic-tickets/speed-violations/speeding-statistics-facts-for-all
  • https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2019/02/traffic-fines-are-unfair-especially-poor-people/582750/
  • https://www.urban.org/sites/default/files/publication/98709/following_the_money_on_fines_and_fees_2.pdf
  • https://www.bankrate.com/insurance/car/how-much-does-a-speeding-ticket-cost/
  • https://www.rand.org/pubs/working_papers/WR1467.html
  • https://www.mdpi.com/2624-8671/1/1/3/htm
  • https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/23407/speedy-facts-about-speeding-tickets
  • https://www.dmv.org/articles/traffic-ticket-statistics-facts/
  • https://www.thezebra.com/auto-insurance/driving/speeding-ticket-statistics/
  • https://www.statista.com/topics/3699/speeding-in-the-us/
  • https://www.aceable.com/blog/speeding-ticket-facts/
  • https://www.nhtsa.gov/risky-driving/speeding
  • https://www.cheapcarinsurance.net/speeding-tickets/
  • https://www.totalspeedingtickets.com/2021-speeding-ticket
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