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Motorcycle Won’t Shift Out of 1st Gear: 5 Reasons (Solved)

Few riding scenarios are more frustrating than being ready to rip roar around some corners when you start your bike, only to realize it’s stuck in first gear.

All motorcycles require proper storage etiquette, riding habits, and routine maintenance, all per the OEM’s suggestions in the owner’s manual, and disobeying these basic moto manners will only cause frustration down the road.

Still, some riders keep their bike in tip-top shape but still stumble upon shifting problems, asking themselves, what are some of the most common reasons a motorcycle won’t shift out of first gear?

Read on for the five most common reasons!

1. Failures in the Gearbox

A wide variety of problems within the motorcycle’s transmission could be why your bike won’t shift out of first gear.

While some of the gearbox problems that have you stuck in first gear are indeed problems with the gears being stuck, another possibility is a gearbox issue that’s failures with the shifter’s functioning.

Here are the gearbox problems that most frequently cause motorcycles to get stuck in first gear:

  1. Gears are seized, warped, or fused.
  2. Gears were assembled into the transmission improperly.
  3. The shifting shafts are bent or unaligned with the gear teeth.
  4. An external object, debris, or corrosion is interfering with the gears functioning, jamming them in place.

Internal failures within the gearbox vary in nature, as there is a complex system of components working together in there to keep your wheels spinning safely and efficiently.

If a gearbox failure is why your motorcycle is stuck in first gear, you would have noticed resistance during shifting leading up to the failure. 

Because the transmission system is a cohesive operation, an unresolved problem with one component leads to failures with others, and eventually, your motorcycle will need a transmission rebuild.

If you suspect a gearbox or transmission failure is why your bike is stuck in first gear, inspect your gearbox or take it to a mechanic asap.

2. Motorcycle Chain Has Insufficient Slack or Lubrication

You might not think to check your chain drive when troubleshooting shifting problems, but this could be a gear-related problem just as likely.

Inspecting your motorcycle chain’s tension and lubrication is part of routine maintenance and affects your motorcycle’s feel, handling, and engine performance in more ways than you might suspect.

  • If your motorcycle’s chain is too loose, the excessive play can cause the chain’s grip, causing it to slip out of place.
  • Adversely, if the chain is over-tightened, the increase in tension can compress your gears, causing resistance to your shifting.

If your motorcycle doesn’t shift out of first gear, be sure your chain is tightened to the spec suggested in your owner’s manual and no tighter. 

Depending on the make and model of moto you ride, in addition to adjusting the chain adjuster nuts, you might have to loosen the chain’s tension to loosen the nut on the wheel axle.

  • Once it’s been adequately prepped, adjust the motorcycle’s chain tension until it’s at the ideal spec outlined in your make and year models manual.
  • Once adjusted, ensure the rear wheel is aligned, and tighten the axle and chain adjustment nuts.

If you’re unsure about this process, a decently equipped moto mechanic can knock out this job in a matter of minutes.

3. Chain or Chain Sprocket Is Worn and Torn

If your chain sprocket is damaged by road debris, corroded from harsh conditions, or worn out from frequent use or old age, your gear shifting will become harder and harder, to the point that your motorcycle could eventually get stuck in first gear.

Fortunately, you can do this troubleshooting step visually on the side of the road.

Note: Your hands will get greasy, so use gloves if that’s your prerogative.

  • Pull your chain away from the rear end on the sprocket by your back wheel.
  • If the chain is worn out, you’ll be able to see the sprocket tooth when you pull on it, while a functional chain will be proper against the sprocket so that you won’t be able to pull it away.
  • If the chain is worn out, replace it to get your bike out of first gear.

If the chain hid the sprocket when you yanked on it, your chain is likely not the issue.

But while you’re down there, inspect its lubrication level. A chain that’s not greased correctly can cause what seems like clutch and shifting problems all day long.

You’ll also want to inspect the sprocket whether the chain is worn or working. If any of the sprocket teeth are missing, bent, or breaking off, your motorcycle can get stuck in first gear.

Replacing a motorcycle chain is an easy job for a well-equipped mechanic but slightly more complex for home mechanics.

That said, it’s certainly a doable task if you have the proper tools and workspace.

Related: 8 Reasons a Motorcycle Won’t Move in Neutral (Explained & Solved)

4. Improper Transmission and Engine Lubrication

One of the most common reasons motorcycles get stuck in first gear is because of a lack of engine oil, which on most motorcycles also serves as the transmission oil.

These days, most motorcycles are equipped with what we call a wet clutch system made of components that need to be soaked in engine oil during operation.

If the oil level is low, using the wrong oil or old contaminated oil, the clutch and transmission components can dry out, overheat, or even fuse together.

  • Your motorcycle service manual suggests a service schedule that’s particular to your make and year model engine.
  • Going longer than the manual suggests between oil and filter changes can cause shifting resistance, eventually leading to your motorcycle getting stuck in first gear.

Check your oil with your motorcycle’s dipstick. Not only are you inspecting the level, but you’re also checking its color. Depending on the type of oil, it should be closer to golden brown than it is to black, and there shouldn’t be anything other than oil floating around in there.

If running low-quality oil or insufficient oil levels is why your motorcycle is stuck in first gear, you would have been experiencing hard shifting up until the shifting got stuck.

Related: 11 Reasons a Motorcycle Has Strong Exhaust Smell (Check this)

5. Improper Clutch Cable Slack

Poor clutch cable adjustment is the most common reason a motorcycle gets stuck in first gear.

If you experienced dragging clutch plates shortly before the motorcycle got stuck in first gear, the clutch cable is likely the culprit.

If your clutch cable is too tight, pulling the clutch lever will not affect the gear because of the lack of free play, and your bike will remain stuck in first gear.

Adversely, if your motorcycle’s clutch cable has too much slack, the clutch will stay slipped when you release the clutch lever, which can also hinder your gear shifting action.

Therefore, keeping your clutch cable adjusted to the measurements outlined in your owner’s manual will have you shifting out of first gear in no time.

If you don’t have your owner’s manual handy and you need to get back on the road, the general rule or “safe zone” is to keep your clutch slack between 2mm and 3mm.

This may be enough to get your motorcycle shifted out of first gear and get you home.

Still, you should consult your owner’s manual as soon as possible and readjust your clutch cable to the factory specification outlined by the bike’s original manufacturer.

Related: 8 Reasons Your Motorcycle Will Only Start With Starter Fluid

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