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Mazda CX-30 Problems: 5 Common Issues (Explained)

Mazda’s subcompact CX-30 was released in 2019. As opposed to its rivals, the Mazda CX-30 has an excellent reliability record but there are some problems.

Here are the 5 most common issues with the CX-30.

We also have an article here on how long sub-compact SUVs typically last.

1. Engine Problems

There have only been a few user complaints about the vehicle’s engine shutting down while the driver makes a turn. The engine ceases to accelerate, which could happen due to multiple reasons.

For instance, faulty fuel system, bad throttle position, or vacuum leaks due to worn-out vacuum hoses around the engine of your Mazda CX-30.

The 2021 model of the Mazda CX-30 had a problem with high oil consumption. Because of that, the oil levels would drop immediately after a few miles, causing problems for the driver.

Lubrication is the main cause behind high oil consumption by the engine of your vehicle.

Many users reported a power steering malfunction.

They stated the warning light would flash on the dashboard and after taking the vehicle for inspection, they found out it was an oil consumption issue. The same issue triggered engine failure.

There was no recall regarding this issue and users complained that they were instructed to take the vehicle to the dealership for inspection and repairs by the automaker.

The Mazda CX-30 is one of the Mazda SUVs that hold its value well.

2. Brake System Malfunction

The Mazda Cx-30 has a Smart braking system but some users complain that the braking system fails, which has led to them getting into accidents with the following vehicle.

The CX-30 models released in 2018-2019 had this issue.

That is because, during the drive, the vehicle can overheat, causing the smart systems to activate on their own. 

The drivers complained that the vehicle would slow down due to the smart braking system but it would not stop when you hit the brakes, putting the driver’s and passenger’s life at risk.

Another driver reported that only driving at 8mph made the warning light flash on the dashboard, which indicated that there might be a problem with the electrical system of the vehicle.

In addition, the user reported that the Mazda CX-30 braked after the light flickered on the dashboard when there was no other vehicle on the road at that time.

The malfunctions with the braking system made multiple users of the 2018-2020 models of Mazda Cx-30 file a lawsuit.

Even after the user complaints, Mazda has yet to publish a TSB (Tech Service Bulletin) regarding the issue with the Smart Braking System in CX-30.

Check also known issues and problems with the CX-50 from Mazda.

3. Headlights Have an Incorrect Adjustment

A few users complain about the design of the Mazda CX-30, saying the headlights are adjusted too high, which can blind the drivers coming from the opposite direction, especially during nighttime.

There was a recall by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) which affected the models 2019-2020 of the Mazda CX-30.

Although it’s not much of an issue, the factory-installed headlights in the Mazda CX-30 are what users claim to be too bright for the human eye. You can simply take your car to a dealership or a mechanic to install dimmer headlights or perhaps pick a different color for them.

Apart from the recall notice on the tailgate problem with the vehicle, the automakers did not issue a TSB for other user complaints, regarding:

  • the engine,
  • steering,
  • windshield,
  • or Smart City Braking System of the Mazda CX-30.

4. Problems With the Safety Features

There have also been reports regarding the vehicle’s safety system, including some with the automatic emergency braking system.

They mentioned that the automatic system intervened and applied the brakes randomly even when there was no vehicle or any obstructions in front.

Another similar problem was related to the electrical system. When driving at a low speed, the light for the brake assist warning started blinking and the car immediately braked for no reason.

If there is a malfunction in the safety braking system, as mentioned above, the vehicle may pull towards one side, making you lose control and causing an accident.

This could be as bad as an ordinary fender-bender or a deadly collision.

The safety feature is called “i-Activsense”. It comprises the parking sensors on the rear and front of the vehicle, a Smart Brake Support System, a view monitor, a rear crossing system, etc.

A malfunction of the safety system meant the automated system would activate by itself, making the driver incapable of controlling the vehicle and getting into an accident on busy roads.

5. Windshield Wipers

The Mazda CX-30 was faced with a couple of complaints but, officially, only a few were recorded.

Some of which discussed a defect in the wipers that caused visibility problems. 

All reports by users blaming the distorted and somewhat warped windshield hamper the visibility of the driver.

The reports stated that nighttime driving had become dangerous due to the distorted view of the road and the opposite vehicle’s headlights blinding the driver from seeing clearly, putting both vehicles at the risk of a collision.

Not only does the wrapped glass impair visibility, but it was also recorded as causing headaches and eye fatigue from looking at it too much.

There were similar reports on a few unofficial forums that were recorded as well.

Users claimed that the issue was a manufacturing defect and that replacing the entire windshield was expensive.

There are some ways to tell if your windshield is defective:

  • Too easily damaged: If your windshield gets damaged, cracked, or gets chips without any apparent causes, it’s a sign it could be defective.
  • Incorrect size: In addition to getting damaged too easily, windshields tend not to work as they’re made to if the size is wrong. Windshields are complex parts of the vehicle that need to fit your vehicle perfectly.
  • Torn windshield wiper: When the rubber edges on your wiper get torn, it doesn’t move smoothly across the windshield, impairing your visibility and making you drive unsafely. The same thing can happen if the motor burns out and causes an electrical problem within the wiper motor wiring system.

Check also how much the CX-5 models can tow. Towing may not be on your mind for a small car, but it actually is quite powerful.

General Pros and Cons for Mazda CX-30

Let’s start with the pros.


  • The Mazda CX-30 has a 2.5-liter engine with 186 horsepower.
  • The vehicle offers all-wheel drive.
  • The CX-30 gives an aerodynamic feel due to its sleek design.
  • The vehicle offers the option of roof rails if you have more gear to carry with you on the journey.
  • The vehicle has a good fuel economy of about 33 mpg (miles per gallon).
  • The advanced safety features prevent drivers from getting into road accidents.
  • The pricing of the Mazda CX-30 depends on its different trim levels.


  • Faulty fuel system.
  • Distorted windshield
  • Defects in the smart braking system.
  • High headlight adjustment.

What Do The Reviews Say about the Mazda CX-30?

The interior of the Mazda CX-30 is quite simple but looks classy due to its spacious and comfortable seating arrangement.

“engine not too big, not too small, leather interior, gauges and buttons for everything, Bose 12 speaker sound system, heads up display, plus dozens of other features. Things that I do not like: nothing – absolutely nothing.”

(Source: Edmunds.com)

“The value of what you get in this little SUV is stellar. The quality fit and finish of the interior rivals some luxury brands.

(Sources: Edmunds.com)

The vehicle has a decent cargo room and offers exceptional safety features for users.

What’s The Resale Value Of the Mazda CX-30?

Years Mileage Price
2019 53.3 mpg $26,500
2020 28 mpg $21,900
2021 26.40 mpg $28,700

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ⓘ  The information in this article is based on data from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recall reports, consumer complaints submitted to the NHTSA, reliability ratings from J.D. Power, auto review and rating sites such as Edmunds, specialist forums, etc. We analyzed this data to provide insights into the best and worst years for these vehicle models.