The Honda Fury is one of a handful of what can only be described as factory choppers.
It looks like it rolled out of a 70’s genre flick while also packing the heat of a 1312cc V-twin engine that delivers all the power and torque you need to live up to that image.
Since it’s a factory Honda, it’s reliable, and it handles better than most choppers.
Now, choppers aren’t ideal for long distant cruises, a notion that might have you wondering just how long a Honda Fury lasts.
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Here’s the Short Answer about How Long a Honda Fury Lasts:
The Honda Fury can last at least 50,000 miles, but probably much longer. Honda released the Fury in 2010, and most of the first generations are still on the road with upwards of 45,000 miles on their odometer, thanks to the maker’s reputation for reliability and easy maintenance.
How Many Miles Do You Get on a Honda Fury?
At the time of writing this article, the Honda Fury has only been around for just over a decade, so they haven’t quite stood up against the test of time
But given Honda’s track record of reliability, I’d say they can last well over the 50,000 miles riders are frequently reporting.
Let’s take a look at a few real-life examples from some Fury owners.
One Fury rider I encountered had put 40,000 miles on their 2010 Fury and noted that it’s never left him stranded. And he’s done no repairs other than a battery replacement, adding that he’s at a point in his riding career where he only buys Hondas.
Another Fury owner reports over 32,000 miles on their 2010 Fury. They say they replaced the battery a year before hitting that 30,000-mile mark, as it was cranking slow. This rider reports one incident where their Fury stuttered while riding but adds that after replacing the fuel pump filter to the updated version, they haven’t had a single issue.
One rider I encountered claims they have passed 42,000 miles on a 2010 Fury and experienced zero difficulties other than replacing the batteries and tires. It does, they confess, cause one to spend money on stylish upgrades, though.
That there are 11-year-old Honda Furys ripping the road with 50,000 on the clock having never had an issue, I’d bet money that a well-maintained Fury can get over 70,000 miles.
What Is Considered High Mileage for These Models?
The textbooks like to claim that a high-mileage motorcycle is any motorcycle with over 40,000 miles on the odometer; even a factory chopper like the Honda Fury should have no problem lasting well past that as long as it’s been well maintained.
There’s no magic number that can tell you if a bike is worn, but its service will paint a crystal clear picture about what to expect from a bike with high mileage or any mileage.
A regularly serviced Fury with 40,000 miles is probably a much more optimistic option than a Fury with 20,000 miles on the clock that’s never seen an oil change.
One concern we commonly hear expressed about mileage on the Fury is that the motorcycle may be a factory chopper. Can choppers last for so many miles?
One rider stated they weren’t sure why people say the Honda Fury isn’t ideal for long-distance riding, starting with the fuel tank.
They say they often want a break when it’s time to refuel, even when on a touring bike.
They admit they upgraded their saddle and claim that they can stack as much mileage as any bike they own with a good aftermarket seat.
They brag that they’ve toured all over the U.S. and almost didn’t have to make any modifications, so I’d say that since the Fury’s motor is a product of Honda’s recognized research and development, the Fury’s mileage can exceed 40,000 miles before it’s considered high-mileage, regardless of whether it’s a chopper.
How Many Years Does a Honda Fury Typically Last?
The average motorcycle is ridden 3,000 miles a year, and although the Fury has been ridden hard, as a chopper, it’s often only tasked with town-hops and city-rips.
If a Fury averages 3,000 miles a year and can last over 50,000 miles, we can expect well over 16 years of life out of a well-maintained model.
The keyword there here is “well-maintained;” However, there are variables, and let’s look at what some of those factors might be.
Owner Habits
A big variable to consider when figuring out the lifespan of your Honda Fury is the previous owner.
A bike owned by one person indicates a more regular maintenance routine than a Fury that’s been passed around from owner to owner.
Age can be a factor. It is a chopper and all. The Fury’s demographic might be something to consider, as an older owner may have adhered to a more regular maintenance schedule than younger owners, and younger cats tend to rip more aggressive rides.
Previous ownership could be the most important determinant when considering the lifespan of a Fury. Considering how the previous owner stored it, how often its past rider rode it, and how regularly they maintained the Fury is more important than checking the mileage.
Service Records and History
What was the bike used for? Was it a daily driver or a weekend warrior?
A complete service record history for the motorcycle is the best way to answer any question—if a Fury’s gone in for scheduled maintenance and hasn’t had any problems in the past, there’s no reason why it can’t last for 15-20+ years.
Remember, if you’re unaccustomed to motorcycle specs, you’ll want to have a practiced rider you know inspect the Fury in question and assess its service record to deduce any neglect of the bike.
Please also read our article about how long the Honda Shadow lasts.
Is the Honda Fury Reliable?
The Fury is a Honda, and I’ve repeatedly said how Hondas are known for their reliability. But while reports from Fury owners corroborate that statement, where did that reputation come from.
I’ll give it to you just like it was given to me. Honda’s reliability rep began as a reputation for cleanliness; Hondas were considered clean. They left no oil leaks behind them on garage floors like how other popular bikes of the times did.
Another contributor was that most of their road bikes came with an electric starter, while many other brands were still rocking kick-starters; because everyone could start them with the push of a button, word spread that these were the most reliable bikes on the market.
Still, the numbers don’t lie, and there are other Hondas on the road with 450,000 miles. To determine how reliable the Fury is, let’s consider how hard its engine will be working.
The Honda Fury is equipped for some earnest performance. The 1,312cc engine is a 52-degree V-Twin with a single-pin crankshaft and dual balancers, providing the Honda Fury with hard-hitting torque and the rumble of a world-class V-Twin motor.
Also, the final shaft drive is quiet and clean, alluding to a low metal-stress situation, and it’s FI induction with an automatic enricher circuit gives the 38mm throttle body all it needs.
Translation? The Honda Fury has a power reservoir it barely taps into, limiting the variables and boosting its reliability.
Does a Honda Fury Last Longer than Other Motorcycles?
The Honda Fury is perhaps the most dependable (and affordable) chopper, to the point that some experts consider it a cruiser since choppers are not mass-produced.
Motorcycles with more than 40,000 miles are recognized as high-mileage. A Fury that’s been well maintained can well exceed that.
Hondas tend to stay alive as long as bikes from any brand out there, and the Fury is a chopper.
While sport bikes are generally pushed aggressively, choppers are for cruising. Therefore, they will not be run into the ground like how a sports bike is (which is why anything above 25,000 miles on a sports bike is regarded as high-mileage).
Make sure to also read our article about common problems with the Honda Valkyrie.
What Typically Breaks First on a Honda Fury?
I dug around out of curiosity to answer this question, and I got two distinct responses. Let’s take a look at some real-life examples for this one.
- Hot Start Issues: One Fury owner reported that they and several other Fury riders they knew have replaced the factory starters due to an issue of hot-starts. Still, another rider claims that the culprit was bad batteries leaving the factory.
- Fuel Filter: Another Fury rider reported that the original filter faced the bottom of the fuel pump, where it would pick up flakes of the tank’s lining and clog up. A new fuel filter was designed shortly after this, and Honda recalled all bikes for upgrades, so just be sure the Fury in question has the updated vertical filter.
It’s important to clarify that both of these reports pertained to the first generation and that after 2010, Honda rectified these issues with the Honda Fury.
Also read our article about how long the Honda Gold Wing lasts.
15 Great Tips to Make Sure Your Honda Fury Will Last Long
The Honda Fury can last at least a good 16 or so years if well kept, so it’s worth your time to make the following moves a routine.
- Follow Honda’s maintenance recommendations. The best way to keep your Fury running longer is to schedule or perform routine maintenance according to the owner’s manual’s suggestions.
- Inspect your Fury’s air filter regularly. Evade engine gunk by checking your air filter, following your owner’s manual instructions.
- The Fury’s engine is at an advantage because it’s liquid-cooled. Use the suggested coolant and replace it when needed. Frequently renewing your bike’s coolant leads to a longer life for your bike.
- Change tires.
- Keep up with oil changes.
- Keep the gas in the bike’s tank fresh.
- Ride your Honda Fury! A sitting motorcycle is an unkept motorcycle.
When buying a used Fury:
- Inspect the service record
- Test ride it
- Check it for physical damage and corrosion
- Look up the vehicle history report
- Have a Honda-literate mechanic check and inspect the bike.
If you keep up with the basic maintenance on your Honda Fury, there’s no reason the bike can’t last you a minimum of 50,000 miles. Its maximum mileage is up to you!