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6 Reasons Electric Cars Are Safer Than Regular Cars (Explained)

Electric vehicles have been getting mixed reviews since they moved from concept to reality. Many of these mixed reviews revolve around their safety, and it can be difficult to know which ones to follow.

Let’s be truthful, though: no vehicle is 100% safe, especially since the act of driving itself is risky.

However, electric vehicles do have some aspects that make them safer than their gas-powered counterparts.

Some of the main reasons for this additional safety are listed below.

1. They Typically Have a Lower Center of Gravity

Many car accidents and fatalities occur due to a vehicle rolling over. One vehicle collides with another and one – or both – ends up on its side or even upside down.

You’ll often find this is the case with light cars or those with a higher center of gravity.

This is because the higher the center of gravity, the less chance the vehicle has to absorb the force of the crash.

One important feature of electric vehicles is that they have a lower center of gravity than traditional vehicles. Therefore, when a collision does occur, they tend to be more stable and much less likely to roll over.

When looking for an SUV you can benefit from choosing an electric model. Because SUVs naturally have a high center of gravity but the electric models – a little less.

This fact alone reduces the risk of injury and death related to accidents. And this is the case with both all-electric and hybrid models. Hybrid vehicles are heavier than traditional ones, making them more likely to damage something they hit than be damaged themselves.

2. Their Brakes Don’t Wear Out As Easily

Some vehicle accidents are due to worn-out brakes and a lack of brake maintenance. While there are signs of brakes wearing out, not every driver notices those signs before they become an issue.

Suddenly, they are involved in a situation where they need to stop, but their brakes won’t seem to follow through with the command. This can lead to them colliding with another driver or guard rail or even shooting off of the road.

Brakes can wear out with any type of vehicle, of course, but the way in which electric vehicles are designed reduces this issue. Regenerative braking is used in electric vehicles as a way to utilize the energy that is lost during braking to charge the vehicle’s battery.

Inadvertently, this also helps maintain the brakes for longer, reducing the wear and tear. As such, there is less of a chance that the brakes will not respond when they are needed.

This fact does not mean that electric vehicle owners should never have their brakes inspected. However, brake maintenance is not needed as often.

3. The Battery Packs Are Insulated for More Safely

Sadly, one of the most dangerous things in any vehicle is the thing that powers it – the battery. As long as batteries have existed, there has been a risk of burns, explosions, and more.

And that’s not just in cars. Even phones, laptops, and remote batteries pose a risk. They are combustible, regardless of what they are powering.

As far as vehicle batteries go, though, they can be even more dangerous. Should an explosion, spark, or anything else occur in the car’s battery area, it could potentially spread to everything else in the car – eventually reaching the fuel line.

And likewise, if an issue occurs in another part of the car, it can reach the battery and increase the risk of explosions and more. As one can imagine, this leads to a great deal of danger.

No vehicle is completely immune to such issues, of course, but electric vehicles have some extra protection.

The batteries are in sealed shells. These battery shells are tested against a wide range of potential but common issues, including fire, collision, overcharging, short circuiting, water, vibration, high and low temperatures, and more.

These tests show that the shell helps to keep the battery protected from external components or incidents and keep any battery-related incidents enclosed. And therefore, there is less chance of injuries or deaths due to fire and explosions caused by the battery.

This also means that if a fire does occur, it is less likely to spread to other components of the vehicle as it would in a traditional one.

If you’ve ever seen or been involved in a car fire, you know that it can be scary and unpredictable. It might start small, but as the flames reach different components, it can set off a chain reaction of explosions.

Having some of these components – like the battery – segregated and enclosed provides some additional protection. It gives the people in the car extra time to get to safety and call a rescue team for help.

Also, explore all the reasons cars are safer than motorcycles.

4. They Are Designed With Rescue In Mind

Should you be in a crash, an electric vehicle is designed to help. First, if the vehicle detects a crash, it will deactivate the electrical system and the battery. It does the same if it notices any short circuits. This can minimize the chance of further injuries.

And when the rescue team arrives, it’s easier for them to assist and ensure you’re safe. That’s because, in addition to the cut-off switches, all lines in electric cars that carry a high voltage are color-coded so the rescue team knows exactly where they need to work.

And thanks to the individual manufacturers of electric vehicles and the National Fire Protection Association, rescue teams have been provided with guides and training so that they know exactly how to respond in the event that something does occur.

5. Electric Vehicles Have Fewer Fluids, Meaning Fewer Maintenance-Related Incidents

As sad as it may be, some injuries and deaths due to vehicles are directly related to the fluids in the vehicles. Sometimes it’s because they combust, especially in the event of a crash.

Other times, a lack of maintenance with these fluids can cause the vehicle to act inappropriately.

All vehicles require some type of fluid and some level of maintenance. However, electric vehicles use fewer fluids, and also, EVs have fewer moving parts. This means that the owner has to worry about less maintenance and the risk of fluid combustion is minimized.

It’s still important to have your car maintained, but it doesn’t need to be carried out as often.

6. The Data Confirms It

One of the best ways to know whether electric vehicles are safer is to just check the data. Statistics can always give a good picture. So let’s take a look at what the data says.

Studies have shown that electric vehicles are at least as safe as gas-powered vehicles, but the truth is in the numbers. Up to this point, the number of injury claims filed relating to electric vehicles is 40% lower than the number of injury claims filed with gas-powered vehicles.

That is a pretty big difference. In fact, it’s nearly half. That doesn’t mean that there aren’t electric vehicle accidents, of course.

It does, however, mean that fewer people are being injured when involved in a crash when they are in an electric vehicle. And with those statistics, it’s hard to argue against the claim that electric vehicles are safer than traditional ones.

Final Thoughts

If you’re considering buying an electric vehicle, you can generally be confident in its safety. As you can see from the points above, you’re likely to be safer than you would in a traditional vehicle.

However, any time you are making a purchasing decision, it’s important to research each individual product. For instance, if you want to buy a new TV, it’s important to always look into the different brands and models available.

The same is certainly true of the vehicle you and your loved ones will be traveling in. Be sure to check the safety features and statistics of each vehicle you’re considering to ensure they all match the points listed above.

Lastly, it’s a great idea to know the reasons cars are safer than planes.


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