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Do Teslas Have A “Break-In” Period? (Explained)

New cars shouldn’t be pushed to their limit right away. That said, some may wonder whether or not the same rules for “breaking in” gas-powered cars apply to electric vehicles like Teslas.

The answers are simpler than they might seem.

What You Need To Know About The Tesla “Break-In” Period

Teslas do not need a break-in period as gas-powered vehicles do. The motors in these electric vehicles don’t use parts that need extra time to adjust to regular driving. However, the brakes and tires on electric vehicles do need to be used more gently during the first 100 miles or so.

Do Electric Motors Need To Be Broken-In Like Engines?

Motors in electric vehicles like Teslas aren’t built the same as those in standard cars.

Regular, gas-using vehicles require a break-in period so that certain parts within the motor can warm up and begin working correctly. These typically include parts like piston rings and cylinders.

However, electric motors don’t require these parts. Therefore, the motor of an electric car won’t need the same kind of break-in period.

That doesn’t mean other parts of the car won’t need some time to warm up. Drivers will still need to give the brakes and tires some time to adjust to regular use.

Are There Any Things To Be Aware Of For The First Hundred Miles?

With any vehicle, the first hundred miles should be handled carefully. Although electric vehicles don’t need to be broken in like regular cars, it’s important to use this time to get to know your car.

Even if the battery is the only aspect that is new to you, it’s worthwhile to take it easy and note any issues that may develop.

Assuming the entire car is new, the first hundred miles are best used for taking stock of how well it runs. Take a good look at the interior and exterior and note any imperfections you notice. If there are any issues, it’s best to have them addressed as quickly as possible.

Pay special attention to how the car runs, including the function of the battery, motor, and brakes.

While these parts are still new, it’s a good idea to handle them gently and avoid using too much torque early on. Generally, there shouldn’t be any major issues with how a new vehicle runs. That said, finding a problem while speeding down a highway is unlikely to be a pleasant experience.

There’s plenty of time to enjoy the more exciting aspects of an electric car after you’ve determined that it’s running correctly.

Should Electric Cars “Warm Up” Or Can I Apply Full Torque Immediately?

Giving a brand new electric car a period of time to get used to being on the road is beneficial, but these cars won’t need the morning “warm up” that gas-powered vehicles do.

Getting the car running in the morning before heading off to work is a habit ingrained into most people, especially in the winter.

There’s a lot more to this than just making sure the car is at a comfortable temperature by the time you’re ready to go. It’s also about allowing the oil in your car to move through all the necessary parts more easily.

On the other hand, electric vehicles don’t require this extra time in the morning. While you might want to warm up the inside of the car and clear away any frost on the windshield, there’s no need to give the engine time to warm up.

Electric cars contain fewer parts for the power to travel through. Consequently, they can handle full torque without any need to warm up.

How Do You Take The Best Care Of A Brand New Tesla Battery?

Before purchasing a new Tesla or a new battery, take some time to become familiar with the care these batteries need. Proper care will ensure that the battery lasts as long as possible.

Because new Tesla batteries are expensive, providing the best care possible from day one is worthwhile.

A few tips for taking care of a new Tesla battery include:

  • Follow the rules for your specific battery. Tesla models are equipped with different batteries. Many of these models require specific care tactics, like keeping the battery charge within a particular range. Learn about the needs of your Tesla battery to provide the best care for it.
  • Charge the battery regularly. Tesla batteries shouldn’t be allowed to empty completely. Keeping at least a small charge in the battery avoids potential damage to the battery or other components. Some models also need to be charged to 100% at least once per week.
  • Avoid extreme temperatures. Tesla batteries should be stored in temperatures between -22 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Understand the energy-saving settings. When the battery in a Tesla gets too low, energy-saving will be activated. Learn how it works and adjust the settings to suit your needs.
  • Know when to see a professional. Issues that cannot be mended by charging the battery should typically be seen by a professional endorsed by Tesla. Attempting to fix the battery yourself can void the warranty.
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