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Why Are My Tires Squealing? 8 Reasons (Solved)

One sign that your tires may be in need of some form of maintenance or repair is if you notice that your tires are squealing with a high-pitched noise.

If your tires are squealing, it is important to figure out the cause and then make necessary repairs.

There are various reasons why your vehicle’s tires could be squealing.

The Tires Do Not Have Enough Air or Pressure

There are various common reasons why your tires could be squealing.

However, the most common reason for squealing tires continues to be low pressure and air in the tires.

Even if your tires are in new and good condition, they will slowly start to leak air. When a tire is even slightly flat, it will become softer and can lose its grip sooner.

This can create more sidewall flex, particularly when you are going around tight corners. If this occurs, it can start to cause a squealing noise.

If this is happening, you should check your tires and tire pressure. If necessary, you can quickly add more air that could help to solve the problem.

Tires Have Lost Traction

When purchasing a new set of tires for your vehicle, you can usually expect that they will last for 20,000 miles or more.

However, as you continue to drive your car and use your tires, the tread will slowly start to wear down. 

When this occurs, the tire will not provide you with the same level of traction.

At the same time, when driving in certain conditions, it can start to cause squealing. If the squealing is happening due to insufficient tire tread, you also likely will not have much traction, and it would be ideal to replace the tires entirely.

Lack of Maintenance

Another cause of squealing tires is if you have not completed routine maintenance.

While tires are durable, they do require some maintenance on occasion. One of the most common forms of maintenance that you will need for your tires is tire rotation.

When driving a car on a daily basis, the imbalance of weight on the car will cause one or two of the tires to take on much more force than the rest. This could cause a couple of the tires to wear down much faster than the rest.

Proper tire rotations can help with this as they will ensure an even balance of tire depreciation over time.

If just one of your tires is squealing, rotating could help.

Sudden Braking and Stopping

While many of the reasons for squealing brakes is due to the condition of your tires, it could also be due to some driving styles and habits.

One driving decision that could result in squealing tires is if you suddenly stop hard on your brakes.

Depending on the age and braking system of your car, the vehicle wheels will stop suddenly when you press down on the brakes.

If you are moving at a high speed when you do this, it can put a lot of stress and strain on your tires. If this occurs, it will cause a high-pitched squealing noise as your car comes to a stop.

This process can also cause your tires to wear down faster, which can make the squealing more frequent. Due to this, it is always wise to leave plenty of room on the road and be careful during hazardous conditions.

This can reduce the likelihood that you will need to slam on your brakes.

Lots Of Quick Accelerations

While stopping your car suddenly can lead to squealing, so can starting the car and accelerating too quickly.

Sudden and quick acceleration from a stop or low speed will cause your tires to start spinning much faster.

This will cause the tires to slip slightly as they work to gain traction.

In some cases, you may notice the car shift from one side to the next. At the same time, the lack of traction will cause a high-pitched squeal as your car increases in speed. When this happens, you may even lose some tread on the tires. Due to this, it is always advised to accelerate at a more reasonable rate.

This can also keep you safe and ensure you have full control over your vehicle.

Too Sharp (or fast) Turning

Another common situation when you will notice that your tires are making squealing sounds is if you are turning. When you make any type of turn, it will put more stress on the edges of your tires.

Based on the condition of your tires, this could cause the tires to make a high-pitched noise until the turn is over.

This sound will typically be more pronounced when you are making a sharp turn or are trying to turn when driving at high speeds.

If this occurs, you should check your tires to ensure they have appropriate tread.

Poor Alignment

Another common cause of squealing tires is if you have poor alignment or your wheels are loose. Proper alignment is very important as it will ensure you have proper control over your vehicle.

If your alignment is off a bit, you will start to put more strain on different parts of your vehicle tires.

The same stress can occur if your wheels are loose and no longer holding your tires in the right position.

Having your alignment fixed and the lug nuts of your wheels tightened, you can notice a drop in squealing when driving your vehicle.

Issues with Brakes

If you notice a squealing sound that seems to be coming from your tires, there is always a chance that it might not be an issue with your tires at all.

In many cases, this squealing sound will actually be due to an issue with your brakes.

In many cases, brake rotors or brake pads that are worn down will cause a variety of odd noises including grinding and squealing.

Due to the importance of your brakes and the challenge that can come with deciphering certain noises, it would be wise to have your vehicle inspected when you notice high-pitched squealing sounds.

Other Vehicle Issues

Beyond having faulty brakes or tires, there are other common issues with vehicles that can cause squealing sounds. One of the most common issues other than brakes or tires is if some of your vehicle belts are worn or damaged.

A worn timing or serpentine belt can start to cause a high-pitched sound when something is wrong.

Some further issues that could cause this odd sound for your car can include if there are issues with your alternator or steering system.

In most cases, these vehicle issues will have other symptoms as well including difficulty starting or controlling the car. Having your car checked out will help identify the full cause of vehicle squealing.

Anyone who owns a car will want to ensure it is in good condition and safe to drive.

A big part of this includes ensuring your tires are properly maintained. One sign that your vehicle tires is you notice squealing when you are driving.

If your vehicle tires are squealing, it could be due to a variety of factors, each of which could have a separate form of repair needed to ensure the tires continue to provide you with the traction and stability needed to drive safely.


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