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Are ROXORS Street Legal? Helpful Guide (Rules Per States)

The Roxor is a four-wheel side-by-side utility-task vehicle [UTV] produced by the US arm of Indian automaker, Mahindra Automotive.

Roxors are popular because of their tough body design and rugged capabilities.

With a Roxor, a seemingly daunting trip over off-road terrain becomes an easy task. Roxors are made specifically for off-road use, but you may want to use yours on a public road for one reason or the other.

Are Roxors street-legal in the USA?

Federal laws mandate that off-road vehicles like the Roxor cannot be used on public roads because they don’t meet safety and emissions standards. State law on the legality of off-road vehicles, however, varies.

You should also be reading our article which talks about Are Electric Bikes Street Legal?

Make sure to check your state’s Vehicle Code to see if it is legal to drive utility vehicles like the Roxor on state roads.

Below is a list covering the legal status of Roxors across all states in the USA:


Although you can buy and own a Roxor in Alabama, you cannot ride it on public roads.

According to Alabama law, it is illegal to drive on public roads “vehicles specifically designed by their manufacturers as off-the-road vehicles.”

This means that you cannot drive the Roxor, with its “off-road only” official description, on any public roads in Alabama.


The State of Alaska does not permit the use of side-by-sides like the Roxor on public roads.

However, the state mentions instances where you can drive a Roxor on a public road. They are:

  • When crossing a road

You must do this at a perpendicular position to the road and ensure that your crossing does not interfere with traffic or put other road users in danger.

  • When crossing a bridge or culvert on the highway

However, you must remain on the extreme right-hand edge of the bridge or the culvert and make sure you do not interfere with traffic.

  • If it is impossible to cross the road with a normal motor vehicle [because of excess snow/ice]
  • If an authority with jurisdiction over a particular road allows the use of off-road vehicles on that road


Arizona has some of the most UTV-friendly laws in the USA.

Unlike the previous states, you can make your Roxor vehicle road-legal by registering it for highway use.

The process is the same with normal vehicles, and your Roxor will be subject to the requirements of any other automobile.

You will need to ensure your Roxor has liability insurance and is properly registered and titled.

Safety equipment is also necessary. Brakes, brake lights, horn, mirrors, taillights, reflectors, and other accessories must be present on your Roxor vehicle before it can acquire road-going status.

In some areas, your Roxor vehicle may need to satisfy emissions requirements.


The State of Arkansas prohibits the use of vehicles like the Roxor on its streets and highways.

However, there are circumstances under which you may ride your Roxor on a public road/highway freely.

These include:

  1. If the Roxor vehicle is used for farming and hunting operations and must pass public roads or highways to move from one field to the other.
  2. If there is a need to cross a public roadway or highway when moving from one area to another.
  3. If you have a severe walking disability or have lost either or both legs above the ankle.

For this, you must always carry a physician’s certificate confirming the existence of your walking disability. In addition, you will need to attach a six-inch red flag to your vehicle.

These prohibitions do not apply on a public street or highway outside the city limits of any municipality or incorporated town in Arkansas.


The State of California is one of the most densely populated areas in the USA, and a huge number of vehicles ply its roads every day.

California’s road system is heavily crowded, and legalizing side-by-sides like the Roxor may harm driving conditions.

Not only would they further congest roads, but their lack of safety equipment may also put both them and other road users in danger.

Because of these considerations, the Roxor and other side-by-side vehicles are restricted to off-road use only.


Colorado State laws ban the use of off-road vehicles like the Roxor on all public roads, streets, and highways. Surprisingly, county authorities have the authority to decide if they want off-road vehicles on their roads or not.

Taking advantage of this provision, many counties in Colorado have legalized off-road vehicles for use on public roads, mainly for economic reasons [tourism].

This means you are free to ride your Roxor anywhere in Colorado, provided local authorities allow it.

However, the use of your Roxor vehicle may be subject to varying restrictions. For example, some areas may require you have a license before you can drive the Roxor vehicle.

Others may regulate the speeds at which you can drive your Roxor vehicle. Some may even limit which roads to off-road vehicles such as the Roxor.

While Colorado residents are required to register their Roxors, non-residents may not register. Registering a Roxor vehicle requires proof of ownership.

Non-residents can buy a $25 sticker if they want to operate Roxor vehicles anywhere that is not private property.


According to Connecticut transport laws, you cannot ride a Roxor vehicle on any public road or highway.

You can cross a highway, provided you have a license.

This crossing must be perpendicular to the road and should not disturb the flow of traffic.


Delaware strictly prohibits the use of Roxor vehicles on streets, roadways, and highways within the state.

The only time you can use your Roxor on a public road/highway is in the instance of a special event permitted by state authorities.


In Florida, you cannot use a Roxor on a public road.

The only exceptions are if the road in question is an unpaved public roadway where the posted speed limit is below 35 mph.

Also, any driving must be during daylight hours as Roxors [and other UTVs] cannot be used at night.


The State of Georgia allows local communities and agencies to regulate the use of utility vehicles like Roxors on roads within their jurisdiction.

Local rules and regulations vary, so you may need to check if utility vehicles are allowed in the area before driving your Roxor.

Whatever you do, ensure you keep to designated roads, trails, and other areas declared open to utility vehicles like the Roxor.

Driving on a road or highway that has not been specifically marked for off-road vehicle use may attract penalties!


Hawaii does not allow the use of Roxors [and other utility vehicles] on its roads or highways, but it may grant some exceptions for special cases.

These include cases where the Roxor is being used for farming operations or is used to travel between agricultural areas in counties with a population lesser than 500,000.

Also, you can ride a Roxor UTV on a two-lane highway where the posted speed limit is below 35 mph.


Idaho’s laws concerning utility vehicles are generally favorable, and with a few things, you can get permission to drive your Roxor freely on public roads.

First, you will need a driver’s license and register your Roxor vehicle [you will get a license plate during the registration].

You will also need to take out a liability insurance plan for the vehicle and get an OHV sticker for it.

Additionally, you may need to add things like brake lights, taillights, headlights, mufflers, and reflectors to the vehicle [that is, if it doesn’t have them already].

Although you may use your Roxor on all public roads [provided, it is duly registered], all highways and interstate roads are off-limits.


Per state laws, utility vehicles cannot be used any public road, street, or highway.

However, you can cross a street with your Roxor if such a street links two trails or off-road areas.


The State of Indiana requires that you must register your UTV before riding it anywhere.

This means you must register your Roxor vehicle. You cannot drive a Roxor on a public road or highway.

However, you can use the right-of-way next to a public road/highway (that is, if you can do so without putting others in danger). You can cross at a 90-degree angle to the road if the road connects two riding trails.

The State of Indiana gives counties the freedom to determine if they want to open their roads to utility vehicle use.

As a result, there are some counties where you can ride your Roxor vehicle freely. Regardless of the area, you must possess a valid driver’s license to operate a Roxor on public roads.

Under-18 drivers must use a helmet while driving on public roads and highways.


Iowa state law does not allow the use of utility vehicles on its roads or highways.

Notwithstanding, local communities are free to designate roads/highways under their authority open to utility task vehicles.

Therefore, as long your Roxor vehicle is properly registered and titled, you can ride it on any public roadways, which local authorities have declared open to off-road vehicles.


Transport regulations in the state of Kansas do not permit utility vehicles on public roadways.

The only case where you can ride a Roxor vehicle on a public street/highway is if you are using the vehicle for agricultural activities.

This, too, is subject to additional regulations.

You must register the Roxor vehicle and have a valid driver’s license.

In addition, the posted speed limit on the road must be 65 mph or below, and you must keep to the side of the road as far as practically possible.


The State of Kentucky does not permit the use of vehicles like the Roxor on its roads/highways.

The only exceptions are if the road/highway connects two off-road areas or if the Roxor UTV is a farm vehicle.


In Louisiana, you can only drive a Roxor vehicle on a parish road or municipal street that the local authority has designated for use by a utility task vehicle [UTV].

You can also operate your Roxor on public roads and highways for agriculture-related activities.

However, all traveling must be within a five-mile radius of your farm.


It is unlawful to ride a UTV on public roads in Maine.

However, if there is a state of emergency where travel by conventional motorcycles is not practicable, state law allows you to use your UTV.

This means you can ride your Roxor on a public road if something like snow makes it impossible to traverse with a normal automobile.

Another instance where you can use your Roxor on a public road is when such a road is designated a UTV-access route or is not meant for conventional motor vehicles.

In such cases, you cannot use the left side of the road between late evening and early morning.


Side-by-side UTVs like the Roxor is restricted to designated forest roads and trails.

They cannot be used on a public road or highway, except such traveling is for farm-related activities.


UTVs like the Roxor used to be restricted to off-road areas in the past.

However, the State Legislature, in 2019, passed a new bill House Bill 5639 that legalized the use of UTVs on public roadways and highways.

Please also note this:

  • The policy treats UTVs the same way as conventional automobiles; hence, you may need to retrofit your Roxor with prescribed safety equipment before it becomes street-legal.
  • You will also need to take your Roxor for registration with the department of transportation.


You can ride your Roxor on the shoulder of a public road if local ordinance permits it.


In Mississippi, the use of your Roxor vehicle depends, to a large extent, on local communities.

If a particular community, city, or county allows the use of UTVs, then you can ride a Roxor freely on the roads there.


No individual can travel on a public road or highway with a Roxor, except for farming activities.


You can only operate a Roxor vehicle on a particular road if local authorities allow utility task vehicles.

You will, however, need to have a license and retrofit your vehicle with prescribed safety equipment.


Side-by-sides like the Roxor are not allowed for use on public roads. Exceptions to this rule, however, exist.

You can use your Roxor on the shoulder of public roads [except controlled-access highways] for farm-related traveling.

Another exception is if local ordinances permit the use of such roads by off-road vehicles. In such cases, you must keep to the side of the road and not disrupt the flow of traffic.


Per stipulations of state law, it is illegal to drive a side-by-side like a Roxor on a public road.

New Hampshire

State law restricts the use of side-by-side utility vehicles to designated trails and off-road areas.

As such, you cannot drive a Roxor vehicle on a public road, except local authorities expressly permit such.

New Jersey

New Jersey does not permit the use of utility vehicles like the Roxor on state roads, except for crossing between lands.

New Mexico

In New Mexico, you are not allowed to ride a utility task vehicle on state roads and freeways.

However, you can cross a highway/street in your Roxor to get to or from an off-road area.

New York

New York law bans the use of Roxor vehicles on highways or roads unless the highway or road in question has been specifically designated for UTV use by state or local authorities.

In most cases, the highways or roads designated for UTV use are those connecting two off-road UTV trails.

North Carolina

North Carolina prohibits the use of Roxor vehicles on any state road, except for crossing such roads.

North Dakota

North Dakota law states that you cannot drive a UTV [such as a Roxor] on the roadway, shoulder, or slope of any road, or street, except in an emergency.


Ohio expressly bans off-road vehicles on state highways [except for crossing purposes].

Local laws on off-road vehicle use, however, vary.

So, check laws applicable in your area to see if it is legal to use off-road vehicles.


Oklahoma does not allow the use of Roxors on public roads.

Exceptions to this rule are:

  • If the street is within a county or municipality that permits UTV operation.
  • If the street is located in an unincorporated area, has a maximum speed limit of 25mph, and has a visible sign warning road users of UTV usage.


Public roads are closed to all off-road vehicles, including Roxors.

Rhode Island

Roxors are not street-legal in Rhode Island.

South Carolina

Local laws on off-road vehicles vary.

Examine local transport regulations to see if operating an off-road vehicle is allowed.

South Dakota

Fortunately, for Roxor lovers, South Dakota is one state of the few states where it is possible to register a Roxor as a street-legal vehicle.

Your Roxor must have prescribed safety equipment and be registered properly.


Roxor vehicles cannot be used on state or federal highways within the state but can be used on county roads.


Texas law prohibits the use of Roxor vehicles on state roads and highways, except for agricultural purposes.


Individuals are allowed to register a Roxor vehicle as a street-legal vehicle.

Street-legal Roxors follow the same regulations as other vehicles on the road.


State law forbids using utility-task vehicles on public streets, but you can use your Roxor on a street that has been declared open to off-road vehicles.


Roxors are only allowed for farming in Virginia.

To use a side by side for farming, you will need a permit.

This means that you will provide evidence that you are a farmer.


Roxors are street-legal in the state of Washington, mostly on roads where the speed limit is 35 mph or less.

You will need a license and install safety equipment on your Roxor vehicle.

West Virginia

Roxor use is restricted to small county roads.

Highways, freeways, and interstates are off-limits to Roxor vehicles.


You cannot drive a Roxor vehicle on a road if it has not been designated for off-road vehicle use.

But you can use a Roxor vehicle for agricultural purposes.


State citizens can legally operate Roxors on public roads [except highways], provided you have an MPV permit.

To get an MPV permit, you will need a valid driver’s license, and your Roxor vehicle must have prescribed safety equipment. You also need to take out an insurance plan for the vehicle.

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