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Toyota Auris Problems: 4 Known Issues (Explained)

The Toyota Auris was launched back in 2006 and had three generations under its belt.

It is known for its quite obvious relatedness to the Toyota Corolla and doesn’t disappoint with its fuel efficiency and overall quality.  

While there are currently no new Auris models, there are old and fairly old models getting sold on the streets. In respect of that, this article will examine some of the most common problems owners encounter with the Auris.

1. Front Brakes Squealing

Many Toyota Auris owners have complained about its front brakes making unpleasant squealing noises whenever they are applied.

Thankfully, Toyota has officially acknowledged this problem, and there is a service action in place for all necessary replacements. This is for Toyota Auris cars that are still under warranty.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Truth is, these squealing noises often have no impact on the brake’s ability. However, we understand that no one wants cacophonous noises in their cars, especially not if they are sensitive to squeals.

Below are some reasons for the squealing noises and solutions for those who aren’t covered by warranty.


When brake rotors become wet overnight, either as a result of rain or dew, it could lead to rust on the surface. While turning, the brake pads will scrape the rust off the rotors and collect the rust on the pad’s edge.

If the above happens, the squealing noise is inevitable. Noises caused by such moisture are often heard in the morning and stop after the brake pads have warmed up.

Brake Pads Metal Content

Truth is, cheap and low-quality brake pads often have a higher metal content. If you have such brake pads installed in your Auris, the metal content slides on the rotor, which may cause very loud squealing noises.

The takeaway from this is to invest in high-quality brake pads if you don’t want such problems with your Auris.

Glazed Brake Pads

Brake pads become glazed when the brake calipers stick, and the brakes are partially applied. This will bring about extreme heat and friction, causing the brake pads to harden and glaze.

Glazed brake pads will affect the brake’s response and cause a squealing sound when you apply the brakes.

The good news is a glazed brake pad is fixable, and you may not have to replace it entirely.

What to Do

If you are dealing with squealing noises from your brakes, we advise getting the services of an expert technician. That way, you get a diagnosis, and the technician proffers a solution, as well as a precaution against the problem in the future.

2. Black Smoke Issues

Another commonly reported problem with the Toyota Auris is the burst of black smoke from the exhaust.

This issue occurs alongside other serious problems like lack of power and the car randomly surging forward.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Let’s take a look at some possible reasons for the black smoke coming from the Toyota Auris’ exhaust and other attendant issues.

Defective Mass AirFlow Sensor

The mass airflow sensor exists to gauge the volume and intensity of air entering the engine. This then helps to determine the amount of fuel that should be injected into the cylinder.

In other words, it helps with fuel combustion.

Now, if the MAF develops a fault or starts malfunctioning, it could lead to poor combustion, which can worsen the engine’s performance. And sometimes, this can lead to black smoke from the exhaust.

Blocked Air Filters

Another reason black smoke may be coming from your Auris’ exhaust is a clogged air filter. If dust or anything else obstructs the air filter, it would invariably reduce the amount of air getting into the cylinder.

And when this happens, you have a fuel-burning situation which may be characterized by black smoke from the exhaust.

Worn Fuel Injector

If the fuel injectors are damaged or worn, what happens is fuel droplets may spread disproportionately in the rich mixture area.

This is a very tricky situation, and it may also hamper the fuel combustion process and form solid carbon residue. What you will have afterward is black smoke from your car’s tailpipe.

Damaged EGR Valve

The EGR valve disrupts and reduces the emission of nitro oxides by redirecting a portion of exhaust gas to the internal combustion engine.

If the valve gets damaged, the exhaust will likely start emitting black smoke not long after.

Related: How Long Do Toyota Auris Last? (9 Important Facts)

What to Do

Having black smoke coming from your exhaust is both unhealthy and embarrassing, so we advise resolving the issue quickly by going to a qualified technician to have a look at the car.

3. Battery Drains Fast

Many Toyota Auris owners complain about the car’s battery draining way too fast. Some owners have had to deal with their cars stopping abruptly because of this problem.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Below are possible reasons your car battery goes out too quickly as well as some workable solutions.

Headlights Are On

Humans are prone to error; it’s part of what makes us human. If your car battery has been draining fast, please make sure you didn’t leave the headlights on, or any of the lights for that matter.

Also, for 2012-2014 Auris models, owners have reported issues with the hazard light switch, which may drain the battery.

One of the best ways to fix the hazard light issue is by updating your Auris’ software or replacing the hazard light switch.

Parasitic Drain

Most modern vehicles deal with some form of parasitic drain, i.e, the battery keeping things like alarm, radio presets, and the likes operational.

While that is very normal, it can get out of hand if the vehicle develops an electrical problem like defective wiring or a damaged fuse. In this case, the parasitic drain can get very extreme and weaken the battery completely.

Corroded Battery Cables

Your car battery will have trouble charging if the cables are corroded or have turned loose.

This is why it is important to check them frequently for any signs of dirt or corrosion. If you notice anything, you can always clean it up with a piece of clothing or a small wire brush.

Old Battery

The lifespan of most car batteries is pegged at three to four years. If your battery has exceeded that number, it is likely the reason it drains fast. The solution to this is to get a new battery of outstanding quality and prioritize maintenance.

Bad Alternator

Every car has an alternator which is the component responsible for dispensing power to some electrical systems and charging the battery.

The alternator comprises a subcomponent known as a diode, which is the part of the alternator most vulnerable to corrosion. If the diode gets corroded, the engine circuit will keep drawing power even when the engine is off.

What to Do

There are several reasons your car battery drains fast, and we have seen some of them above. In tackling the problem, it is in your Auris’ best interests to let a technician conduct a diagnosis and solve the problem.

You could also visit your dealer, especially if your car is still under warranty.

Related: Toyota Corolla In Snow & Winter Driving? (Explained)

4. Creaking Noise From Door

Some Toyota Auris owners have complained about creaking noises when opening and closing the doors.

A few of these owners reported that the issue came up within a couple of years of purchasing the car.

Possible Causes and Solutions

Below is a potential cause of this problem:

Lack of Lubrication

The hinges on new cars are lubricated to get them to slide with no difficulty. However, with time, the lubricants may wear out because of increased dirt and rust around the area. The creaking noises are proof that the grease is completely out.

What to Do

If your car door is creaking, what you need to do is lubricate the parts. In our honest opinion, you can do this yourself, seeing as it isn’t really a technical process. Below is a step-by-step solution:

• Inspect the door and figure out where the noise is coming from.

• Once you have figured it out, clean the area with a dust blower or wipes to rid it of dust and rust.

• Get a lubricant, preferably a white lithium grease, and shake the can very well.

Spray the grease on the points of contact on the upper and lower hinges, as well as the door check strap.

• Swing the door back and forth to ensure the grease hits all the necessary sides

Once you’ve fixed it, one way to forestall this problem from occurring again soon is by repeating the process periodically. Also, be wary of leaving your car door open during snow or in rainy seasons.

In the unlikely event that the lubrication doesn’t work, we advise reaching out to your dealer or a professional auto technician.

Related: 11 Toyota Corolla Statistics You Should Know (Facts & Numbers)

General Pros and Cons

Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of the Toyota Auris:


The following are some merits of the Auris:

1. Excellent Handling

The Toyota Auris promises great handling on the road, thanks to its sturdy structure.

Its low ground clearance means the vehicle hugs the road, giving it exceptional balance and stability.

2. Comfortable Interior

One advantage of owning a Toyota Auris is its warm and comfortable interior. There is enough space in the back for two adults or three children, making it relatively ideal for a small family.

The seats are plush enough for a vehicle of its class, and you can recline them for some extra comfort. There is also a center console that is placed within reach of the driver. All of these and more are testament to the Auris’ comfortable interior.

3. Reliability

Apart from the Toyota brand’s stellar reputation worldwide, the Auris has its own reputation for reliability. Many Auris owners, as well as critics, have praised the vehicle’s practicability, durability, and low running costs.

4. Safety Features

The Toyota Auris also boasts some top-notch safety features that have earned it very good ratings. It earned a five-star rating in a test conducted by the Euro NCAP and was recognized as a safe car for children.

Below are some of the Toyota Auris’ safety features:

  • Autonomous Emergency Braking
  • Adaptive Cruise Control
  • Lane Departure Warning System
  • Electronic Stability Control
  • Seven Airbags
  • Auto-dipping High Beam Headlights


  1. Front Brakes Squealing
  2. Black Smoke Issue
  3. Battery Drains Fast
  4. Creaking Noise From Door

What Do the Reviews Say?

Let’s face it, you don’t buy a Toyota Auris and then expect to be punted squarely in the wallet for the privilege.It’s one of the cheapest cars in its class to run.”

Source: AutoeBid

The Toyota Auris is a reliable and practical family car with low running costs, making it a sensible choice for stress-free driving”

Source: CarBuyer

The Auris is a perfectly competent car to drive, as you’d expect. Handling is effortless, and the ride isn’t bad. The car doesn’t set any new standards or feel particularly thrilling or luxurious, but it does exactly what you’d expect of it, without too much fuss or drama.”

Source: HeyCar

What Is the Resale Value of the Toyota Auris?

Model Year Mileage Price
2016 Toyota Auris 56,381 miles $13,241
2016 Toyota Auris 44,180 miles $18,990

Go Back: Problems for each Toyota model.

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ⓘ  The information in this article is based on data from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) recall reports, consumer complaints submitted to the NHTSA, reliability ratings from J.D. Power, auto review and rating sites such as Edmunds, specialist forums, etc. We analyzed this data to provide insights into the best and worst years for these vehicle models.