Low-profile tires remain popular with many drivers. Any car owner trying to improve the aesthetics and dynamics of the car will put them.
But have you asked yourself how long low-profile tires normally last? Or if they wear faster than high-profile tires?
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Our article answers those questions. It also goes on to highlight some benefits of using low-profile tires.
Let’s dive in!
How many miles do low-profile tires last?
It’s tricky to know how many miles your low-profile tires will drive. Most quality low-profile tires can last 40 to 45 thousand miles. But the miles you can do will depend on the softness of the compound and how you drive.
The road surface you travel on determines how long your low profile will last.
Road hazards that may reduce the lifespan of your tires include potholes, debris, and curbs. In most cases, the damage will be immediate. For instance, when your tire hits a nasty pothole at high speed, it may explode.
In this case, you will need a new tire.
Other factors that may affect the lifespan of your low profile tires:
- Excessive speed –
If you are a fast driver, your low-profile tires will wear out faster. - Road condition –
If you constantly travel on wet surfaces, your low-profile tires will likely not last long. - Seasonal effects –
Low-profile tires tend to wear out family quicker in winter.
Expect at least 50,000 miles from regular low-profile tires.
But the above factors will always contribute to how quick your tires wear. According to the NHTSA, you should replace your tires every six-year, regardless of the miles you have covered with your low-profile tires.
Like any other tires, you should inspect your low-profile tires regularly.
How many years do low-profile tires last when not used much?
Low-profile tires can last long, especially if you don’t use your car regularly.
A lower-profile tire has a softer rubber compound. Those compounds will give your low-profiles a better grip and traction, resulting in a lower treadwear number.
To put it into perspective:
If you rarely use your car, your tires may last you six years. However, other quality tire brands may last up to seven years or more.
Still, you need to maintain the right amount of pressure. Even if you don’t use your car very often.
The tire wear rating is a determining factor in how long your tire will last. You can easily see the tire wear rating on the sidewall of your tire. For example, a 215/60 tire may have a width of 215 mm. Another tire may have a wear rating of 300.
At the same time, the other tire may have a 580 rating.
So, the tire with the higher number is likely to last longer.
Of course, your drive always contributes to how quick your tire will wear. Unfortunately, if you drive your car at higher speeds and brake hard, your tires won’t last.
Do low-profile tires wear out faster?
Low-profile tires wear faster than ordinary tires. Why? Because they usually have more contact with the road. Besides, low-profile have larger tread widths that provide them stability. Generally, they are likely to wear out faster than high-profile tires.
That said, the soft compounds and rubber of tires wear out fast. It would help if you replaced them as soon as they wear. Delaying the replacement of your tires may put your life and other drivers in danger.
There are different low-profile tires for summer, all-season, winter, and touring. Here is how they differ:
- Summer low profiles:
This type of low profile tire is perfect for speed and agility. They offer fantastic performance on the dry roads. Still, their tread patterns don’t typically last longer than high-profile tires. - All-season tires –
Unlike summer low profile tires, you can use these tires in all seasons. They provide excellent year-round traction. All-season low profiles have symmetrical treads and grooves that make for a great driving experience. They won’t last long if you don’t take good care of them. - Touring low profiles –
Are other low-profile tires that you can use in any season. They are more susceptible to potholes. - Winter low profiles –
As the name says, you use these low-profile tires in winter. Their deep groove and tread don’t necessarily last longer than high-profile tires.
Do low-profile tires from premium brands last longer?
All low-profiles wear out faster, but not at the same rate.
The rate at which your low-profile tires wear out doesn’t do with the brand. But more to do with the quality of each low-profile tire.
Interestingly, certain low-profile tires from premium brands last longer.
A good example is Bridgestone, which offers an 80,000-mile treadwear warranty. A confirmation that Bridgestone is confident with the quality that they offer.
Pirelli is another famous and proven brand. They offer one of the best range of low-profile tires at affordable prices.
Another example of a low-profile premium brand that lasts longer is Continental. For instance, they have a grand-touring summer low profile. These tires are touted for their exceptional traction and braking abilities.
Premium low-profile tires have stiffer springs that allow you to brake and accelerate.
For this reason, many sports cars owners choose Continental low-profile tires for their superb handling and performance.
Remember, you need to always take good care of low-profile tires.
Especially if you want them to last longer. Always ensure you inflate your tire at an appropriate inflation pressure.
How do I know when my low-profile tires need replacement?
Some drivers don’t know when to change their low-profile tires. Luckily, there are sure signs that you should check out.
Low tire tread is the first sign that you need to replace your low-profile tires. If you are unsure if your tread is too low, you can use the “penny test.”
With this test, you turn Lincoln’s coin head. Then, insert it down into the tread.
Replace your tire if the top of Lincoln’s head doesn’t disappear between the tread. If the tread is still above 2/32, your tires are still good to go.
There will be instances where your low-profile tire doesn’t wear evenly. The uneven wear may be due to an out-of-balance wheel. Or when you don’t inflate your tires correctly.
Please take unevenness as a sign that you need to replace your tires.
Another sign that you should be on the lookout for is excessive noises or vibrations. Take your car to wheel technicians to take a look at your tires. If they suggest that you replace your tires, do that immediately.
Your low profiles may also have bubbles on the sides or tires’ treads. This is another sign that you should change your tires.
Do mechanics recommend low-profile tires?
Most definitely!
Sometimes your mechanic may recommend low-profile tires, mainly because you drive a sports car.
Furthermore, your mechanic may recommend low profiles for good gripping and side swaying abilities. Also, because low-profile tires have excellent traction in wet and dry weather conditions
Usually, low profiles offer fuel efficiency compared to other conventional tires. Thanks to the short, stiff simple tread patterns of low-profiles, they have a relatively low rolling resistance.
Final Thoughts
The terrain you drive in and the weather conditions of your region play a significant role in the lifespan of your tires. If you live in Midwest, expect to experience constant underinflation, flat tires, and unsafe driving conditions.
Sometimes the weather of the region you live in may hasten wear and tear.
For example, lower temperatures may cause cracks in your low profiles.
Lastly, the vehicle your low-profile tires are mounted contributes to how long they last. For instance, if your car is an SUV, it will have more weight on the tires.
If the low-profile tires are not an appropriate size for your SUV, they are likely to wear out faster.