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Do Electric Cars Have Exhaust & Tailpipes? (Answered)

Electric cars are relatively new to the scene and this has led to the asking of some common questions.

These questions are understandable, as people look to learn more about the ins and outs of these vehicles.

When it comes to electric cars, the following guide aims to cover one of the most popular lines of questioning.

Do these vehicles come with exhaust systems and tailpipes? What about mufflers? If you would like to learn more about the answers to these frequently asked questions, please be sure to read on.


Do electric cars have exhaust systems?

The typical liquid fuel components that make up a gas-driven vehicle are not present in the electric car, which means that there is no need for an exhaust system. Electric cars do not need to have an exhaust system, as the presence of one would be superfluous.

As we all know, these cars work differently from their gas-driven counterparts.

The mechanism that they have been constructed with ensures a more fuel-efficient vehicle with fewer emissions. The internal combustion engine that is present in a gas-driven vehicle is replaced with an electric motor.

That’s why electric cars do not have exhaust systems.

Electric cars don’t emit gasses and don’t pollute the air.

The power for an electric car is stored in a lithium battery. Drivers can utilize the power that these batteries create without producing any waste gases, eliminating the need for an exhaust system entirely.

That said, it’s worth mentioning that SUVs do pollute more than other vehicles.

Do any electric cars have tailpipes?

No, most electric cars do not come with tailpipes but there are still some very important distinctions to make in this regard.

The tailpipe can be added when an electric car is purchased but there is one key advantage that must be mentioned.

These tailpipes are going to produce far fewer emissions than conventional vehicles will because they are essentially added for show.

There are emissions that are associated with electricity production but they are far less than what we would normally produce with a gas-driven vehicle.

Meanwhile, there are also electric vehicles that have zero tailpipe emissions. Since these cars do not emit noxious fumes, tailpipes do not have the same level of necessity as they would for a gas-powered vehicle.

There is a longstanding myth about electric cars causing more damage to the environment than their traditional counterparts but it is simply untrue.

The false equivalencies that have been drawn between the tailpipes are based on surface-level evidence, as opposed to actual study.

Regardless of how the electric vehicle is charged, far fewer greenhouse gases are emitted.

Do electric cars have mufflers?

Electric cars are able to offer up a smoother, quieter ride than their gas-driven counterparts.

While there are some who will find themselves wondering if there is a muffler present, this is not a concern that any electric car owner is going to have to deal with.

Because there is no combustion engine to be found, there is no reason for an electric car to have a muffler.

In fact, these cars do not even require the usage of a muffler.

The days of having to deal with loud engine noises are a thing of the past.

That’s why they are such a popular choice for those who are actively looking to reduce the amount of noise pollution that they are currently creating.

As an added bonus, the proliferation of electric cars will make the presence of noisy mufflers even more noticeable, causing other motorists to make changes.

Noise pollution was once considered to be socially acceptable because everyone drove a gas-powered vehicle.

Once the numbers start to even out a bit, the gas-powered vehicles with noisy mufflers are going to stick out like a sore thumb. Smoke emissions and intentionally noisy mufflers are both on their way out at the moment, a major boon overall.

Do electric cars have exhaust sounds to alert pedestrians?

This is a topic that has already been covered extensively by the United States government, as they seek to help pedestrians remain alert in high-traffic areas.

The Pedestrian Safety Enhancement Act of 2010 ensured additional safety for pedestrians by requiring the Department of Transportation to study and establish the proper standards.

While the sounds that the electric vehicle makes are not the same as a gas-driven car, a final ruling was issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 8 years later.

The final ruling states that electric cars (and hybrids) that are traveling at a rate of speed under 18.6 MPH will have to emit a warning sound.

These warning sounds must be heard by pedestrians over all other background noises.

Full compliance was initially requested by September 2020 but at least 50 percent of the vehicles were required to have the warning sounds in place by the time September 2019 rolled around.

It took some time to find a noise level that was agreeable to automakers without being excessively loud, but the proper steps have since been taken.

Can you add tailpipes on an electric car?

In most instances, tailpipes that are visible on an electric car were added after the fact.

This is an important distinction to make in these instances.

Some may be confused because they have seen hybrid vehicles in the past, but a purely electric car is not going to need a tailpipe.

Obviously, any motorist is free to alter their vehicle as they see fit but if you see a tailpipe on an electric car, it is an addition that was made after the fact. The vast majority of electric car owners are purchasing these vehicles because they do not have a tailpipe.

In addition to reducing the number of emissions that take place, an electric car reduces the amount of time that a motorist has to spend crawling around beneath the vehicle.

Of course, there are some who may decide to add a tailpipe for aesthetic reasons but is it a very common pursuit?


The addition of a tailpipe does nothing to improve the performance of the vehicle but they can be added if the owner chooses to.

Again, this is merely for appearances’ sake, as there are few emissions that need to be considered.

Do people add fake exhaust pipes on electric cars?

File this under the same category as the last question.

People can embellish their vehicles in any manner that they wish. The point of electric cars is not to emulate the designs that everyone is used to.

It is all about making sure that engineers have the chance to create on a wider canvas than they did before.

To show up after the fact and add a fake exhaust pipe is beside the point, but that does not mean that people cannot make this decision if they so choose. It’s not a common choice to make, but we are sure that it has already happened.

As long as electric cars are still being designed to look like traditional gas-powered vehicles, people will continue to add fake exhaust pipes.

It’s the sort of thing that some may chuckle at but for others, it provides them with the aesthetic appeal that they prefer.

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