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Do All Cars Leak Water? What To Expect (For Beginners)

It is not an uncommon occurrence that water leaks from a car.

We have an article here with 11 common reasons cars leak water, that you should check out in case you have a car that leaks water.

In fact, you should naturally expect water leaks from time to time (with older cars).

If you’re worried about water leaks from your vehicle, ‌jump on this article as it gives an in-depth explanation of why this occurs.

You might also have a car losing water without any leaks. But let’s look into this problem in general.

Here’s the short answer to whether all cars leak water:

It’s normal for cars to leak a little water. The leak can come from the operation of the AC condenser and the exhaust. However, excessive and continuous leakage might be a sign of a serious issue that requires urgent attention.

Is It Normal for Cars to Leak a Bit of Water When Parked?

Water leaks occur majorly when the air conditioner is running. This is absolutely nothing to worry about.

It is therefore normal for your car to leak when parked because the AC produces condensation, which would turn to water. It leaks from under the passenger side of the engine and forms a little puddle when your car is parked.

Here are some of the main questions about car leaks from air conditioning.

Do New Cars Spill Water?

A water leak is a general occurrence that happens for all cars. The common place is from your air conditioning or your car exhaust.

For the exhaust, it occurs mostly when the car engine cools down. The exhaust gasses emit because of the car’s combustion (mixture of fuel and air).

This condensation process leads to water leaks that leave the car through the car’s pipe at the rear end.

For the air conditioner, it happens during the hot weather majorly, as the AC works extra to supply cool air. This results in condensation which apparently causes water leaks from your car.

You may also experience problems with acceleration while running the AC at full capacity.

How Do I Know If a Water Leak Is Serious and Needs Attention?

The first step to finding out if a water leak is serious is to ascertain what kind of liquid is coming out. If it’s orange, pink, or any other color, it is a sign of a worse problem.

If there is excessive water and not the normal little drops, it could also be a major problem.

Excessive water is usually associated with a problem called a blown gasket.

A blown gasket is a situation that causes a blockage between the cylinder head and the engine. This results in overheating and sealing the car’s cooling system.

Once a car’s gasket blows, it causes excessive leakage, which may not be visible.

Coolant leaks are a serious problem because they cause engine failure. Without the proper supply of coolant, the engine would overheat. It could also make the engine freeze because the fuel would not burn quickly. 

Ultimately, a damaged gasket can cause irreparable engine failure. Hence, once you observe excessive water leaks from your car, contact the nearest car mechanic to help you fix the damaged part.

How Do You Know If Your Car Leaks Too Much Water?

Here are ways to know if your car is leaking water excessively:

White Smoke

If you notice white smoke coming from your exhaust, especially after the warming is done, that’s a major sign of a blocked engine, which causes excessive water leakage.

It could be a blown gasket or a blocked cylinder head. Once this compartment is under pressure, it may force the coolant into the cylinder, resulting in a thick white smoke.

Overheated Engine

This is another way to tell that there’s a serious leakage. A bad radiator ultimately leads to an overheated engine because it prevents the coolant from supplying the adequate temperature for the engine to perform.

Visible Leaks

A coolant leak comes in these major colors; pink, red, or blue. Once you notice this, it is a serious problem. You could also notice the smell of the coolant inside the vehicle.

Air Bubbles in the Radiator

If you notice bubbles in your radiator, your coolant is definitely bad. The water will quickly evaporate because of the high pressure of the system, which the coolant was supposed to suppress.

Is It Normal for Older Cars to Leak a Bit of Water?

It is normal for all cars and even the older ones to leak a little water. They all happen for natural reasons and ensure the smooth running of the vehicle.

If perhaps a car has no inbuilt AC, which is rarely the case because most cars have AC, it could come from the non-AC aspect or from the car’s exhaust.

For instance, if the windscreen, door, or roof has holes, water could seep into the vehicle and cause water leakage.

What Happens If You Drive a Car That Leaks Water?

If your water leak happens for a natural reason and a short period, there might be no repercussions. A leaky car with consistently wet interiors can become damp and moldy, though, and this can be injurious to your health. 

However, if you keep driving when there’s excess water leakage (coolant problem), it could create a serious problem for the car engine, since it depends on the coolant to function properly.

We do not recommend driving when your car leaks excess water because it is very dangerous.

In cases of emergencies, you may drive short distances. In fact, car experts advise not to travel over 5 minutes with a bad coolant and if you must, it is very crucial to take breaks, especially in hot weather.

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Can You Complain to the Car Dealer If Your Car Leaks?

It is correct to inform your car dealer of any damage to your car.

If you are buying from a dealer, you have certain rights accorded to you. If you notice any serious damage, which can definitely be a coolant leak when you got the car, it is within your rights to return the car or complain to the dealer.

NB: It is crucial not to take the car for repair yet at the mechanic as this could cause bigger problems of liability.

What Is the Cost of Repair for Water Leakage?

The cost varies depending on the seriousness of the problem. According to mechanicbase.com, the cost to repair a coolant leak ranges from $10 to $3000.

A minor leak that just needs sealing will be cheap, as there’s no serious damage. To change the whole radiator will relatively be more expensive as it might cost between $300 to $1200. Further, if it is the whole-blown gasket, it would cost around $2000 or more.

Related: Do All Cars Leak A Little Oil? (Explained)

How To Find Out if the Leakage Is Actually Water?

If you’re confused about what fluid is coming from under the vehicle, there are certain steps to find this.

  • The first step is to check where the leak is coming from and be sure it is coming from your own vehicle. To do this, you could pick a flashlight to check the leakage itself.
  • The next step is to determine what fluid is actually coming out. To do this, you could pick up white cardboard and place it under the spot of the leakage.

This will easily tell you what color and idea of the fluid and what steps to take next.

What To Do When There’s a Water Leakage?

If the water is coming from your AC, there is usually nothing you can do about it, as it is perfectly normal.

If the water is coming from a non-AC component, like your washer or windscreen, you might need to replace them. You have the option to patch them anyway, but it will return in the long run.

The car exhaust is also another occurrence. There’s really nothing you can do about it except you notice a hole in the pipe itself. You might need to repair or replace it, depending on the severity of the problem.

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What To Do When There’s a Coolant Leak?

Trying to minimize a damaged coolant leak could be a tedious thing to do.

However, there are a few steps and hacks to go around it and we will discuss them below:

First, once you notice a major leak, turn off the engine and park the car. Find the coolant leak. It is majorly found in the pipeline or the radiator.

The water and coolant in the vehicle usually run through the same pipelines and they would definitely create the same holes in those lines. Find those holes and try to seal them with tape.

However, it is important to note that this method does not solve the problem, as it only works for a limited amount of time before you get to the mechanic to repair the damaged part.

This method only helps to minimize the damage done. It does not solve the problem.


Water Leak Under Your Car-What Should You Do| MotorVerse.com

Coolant Leaks And Symptoms And Solutions| Liveabout.com

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